Have You Seen Enough Yet?????

Here we are just under three weeks from the midterms. If you are undecided about who to vote for I don’t know what to tell you. Kind of seems harsh but it is what it is. In 2020 I said it was the most important election in our lifetime, imagine what a difference two years makes.

Let’s go back to when Bill Clinton was running to be President, he asked the nation, are you better off than you were four years ago. What would your answer be if it was two years ago? The guy that supposedly got the most votes in the history of the United States is apparently running an administration on the will of the people. So Jack or Jane next door neighbor your will is to have open borders? The highest inflation in 40 years? Half the country are considered domestic terrorists. You want $4.00 a gallon gas? Do I need to go on? Where are you? Stand up and show your support for the regime. I don’t see you anywhere. When I wear my let’s go Brandon shirt nobody gives me a hard time, I even work in parts that are considered the hood.

Here is my take. I am a bit fired up about this election. The fate of the United States of America is at stake!! If you don’t see it or feel it God help you. The last two years have been a coordinated takedown of our country!!! The only saving grace has been the Constitution, without it we would be gone. You need to read it, you need to understand it!! I have my copy, where is yours? Your vote on November 8th will either send this country to the trash heap or send us back on the right track. Are you going to stand up for the Republic or are you going to roll over. The choice is yours, 20 days from now. God bless us all!!