Liberals And Democrats Are Sucking The Life Out Of America

The 2022 mid term election is closing in fast. Obviously there is going to be lots of ass sucking from politicians to garner your vote. They will tell you anything and lie out of their crooked mouth to convince you they will do the best job for you in Washington D.C. or from where ever they are running for office.

Biden has been awful in his position. The epitome of liar. How many times in the last two years has the White House backtracked on some of his lies? By my count at least four. Day one he cancelled the Keystone pipeline, jobs lost!! Also lost, oil production. He ran on ending fossil fuels and here over the last two weeks wants to boost oil production here in the U.S. Kind of hard to do when you renege all the current and future federal land leases, you clown. First 19 months of being President, Obama handed out 41 to 45 million acres of land leases, Biden on the other hand just about 100 thousand acres. Don’t forget Biden begged OPEC to produce more oil and when they said no, he wanted them to not announce this until after the election, scam artist!!

Inflation has been running at about 8.4 percent for the year. If you keep printing money it is only going to make inflation worse. What has this administration done, kept spending money wanting to spend their way out of inflation, freaking idiots!! June inflation ran at 8.4% and so did July, Biden told the media that there was no inflation for July. No jackass, it was the same figure two months in a row!!! Mark my words we have not seen the worse of inflation……yet!

Back to the American Rescue Plan of 2021 revolving around Sars Covid 2. The Democrat plan that spent 1.9 trillion dollars, we didn’t have, added to the inflation problem. There was plenty of scientific information out there, if they would listen, that said we did not need this money spent. On to the Infrastructure Bill, 1.2 trillion dollars spent on what you would think would be roads and bridges, not so much. How about 600 million in redundant spending of upgrading of broadband. The Congressional Budget Office, which analyzes all potential bills, came out and said this bill would add $ 340 billion to the deficit yet they passed it anyway!! Let’s put the cherry on this cake with the Inflation Reduction Act. You would think based on the name this bill would do exactly that, but let’s see what Forbes said about it : The tax provisions – such as imposing a minimum corporate tax rate – will dampen investment and diminish economic growth. Its regulatory provisions – such as the introduction of drug price controls – will weaken the incentives for innovation and ironically cause the prices of drugs to increase. On net, this proposal is a recipe for worsening inflation and persistent economic stagnation. Thirty economists wrote to the government and told them this bill would further increase inflation. They didn’t listen and don’t care!!

Here is my take. You would have to be a suicidal lunatic to vote for any Democrat on November 8th. They want to push emotions for your vote, they don’t care about facts. All you need to remember is the overturn of Roe v Wade. If you look at the facts, the Constitution clearly states any power not specifically given to the federal government is specifically given to the states. Is the power of abortion given to the federal government in the Constitution? The answer is no, yet the Democrats wanted you to believe the Supreme Court was taking away your right to abortion. Just out today border patrol has had 2.4 million encounters at the southern border, shattering all records ever, yet the Biden administration says the border is closed. More lies!! They hate America and what it stands for. The last two years has been a coordinated effort to take down our country. It is in your face. Fifty billion to Ukraine but we didn’t have $5 billion for a border wall. If you vote for them on November 8th, you are perpetuating our slide to communism!!!