Gun Violence

We had two mass shootings in less than 24 hours. Of course the next thing to do is to start blaming people. Everyone’s favorite target from the left is President Trump. He is a racist and says racist things. He incites violence. The right seems to ask questions first. Where did he get the guns? Were the guns legal? The dust didn’t even settle yet and it has to be someone else’s fault other than the person who did it.

The next step in this whole process will be, “We need to control the guns!” The response will be, “The Second Amendment, it is a Constitutional right!” So let’s play some things out here in this post.

The Democrats would love to take away all of the guns because they would like to save us from ourselves. Take away the guns, no more gun violence. I beg to differ. They would take away all of the registered guns. There could be roughly 300 million unregistered guns in the United States. Bottom line, if you want a gun you can get a gun! Even if the government tried to round up all the guns, criminals would still find ways to get a gun. During all of the major wars in the world, guns were still moved around illegally via the black market.

The Second Amendment. ” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” One Presidential candidate has stated that if she becomes President she would give Congress 100 days to enact gun legislation or she would, via Executive Order. Now she can’t change the Second Amendment, but would probably ban automatic rifles and guns of that nature. You could do that but it is still not going to take them out of circulation. Ban the sale of guns and ammunition? Now you are making an economic determination against some citizens. You would also rile up a good portion of people who may have voted for you, let alone the lobbyists for some political action committees.

Here is my take. The Second Amendment is not going away. Our two so called “esteemed” parties have proven over the course of the last 12 years or so, they cannot or will not work together. They stick to their party platform, bottom line!! It’s my way or the highway thinking. For us, the people we would need to find and elect folks who would work together. As long as criminals can get guns, I will be keeping mine, thank you. If there were no guns guess who would have still have them, the police and military. A study was done, regular people divided into two groups, one prisoners, put in cells and the other half were the guards. The study never finished, the “guards” developed I am better than you attitude and the “prisoners” developed a victim mentality. Some people think the police are brutal and overbearing now. We seem to have a general lack of respect for our fellow citizens, we treat each other like crap. That training comes from home, parents as a whole need to raise respectful human beings. Finally guns are here and aren’t going away any time soon. Education about guns, gun safety and respect for guns and what they can do, I think would be helpful. Keep thinking friends, until next time.