The Elephant In The Room Is Here Stop Ignoring It

Ladies and gentlemen, there is an elephant in the room. The government knows what it is, the media knows what it is and those of us that are paying attention know what it is. Do you? The “vaccine” is maiming and killing people!!! It is everywhere. Only one person in a position of power is talking about it and it would be Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin.

So ask yourself a question. Why after two years is twitter, facebook and the news still censoring anyone talking about their “vaccine” reactions? We have been pounded with how safe and effective the shot is for the same two years. Have you been paying attention to the down play to the point of it’s almost non existence of SarsCovid2? Biden proclaimed the pandemic over yet the official White House statement backed off on his proclamation. Here it is October, shouldn’t Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont be overrun with cases of SarsCovid2? Shouldn’t it be national news, shouldn’t we all be hiding in our basements!!

If you stay away from Goggle and the mainstream search engines you will find all sorts of “vaccine” reaction videos. People just dropping dead. Why is SADS a new thing used to fill in the gap. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome was never a thing until 2022. Why is it being talked about like it has been around for years? Some of the most disturbing videos are of people….. doing their business looking around as if something is coming at them, spinning around and swatting at it. Two or three spins and swatting followed by dropping on the ground into convolutions.

Here is my take. These “vaccines” are killing people. Just look at the data that came out about pregnant women and lactating women. mRNA vaccine material was found in breast milk hours after injection of the “vaccine”. This was not reported in the trials by Pfizer or Moderna. When did the FDA give approval for the shot into kids under five? You want to give them the benefit of the doubt, ask, why did they want to keep any and all trial information from the public for 75 years? It took a court order to have them publish roughly 80,000 pages every six months until everything has been published. They know this shot is full of B.S. we just don’t know why yet!!! You want a reason to vote come November 8th, people dropping dead for no reason is a start!!