What In The World Would Possess You To Do This

I have been finding it hard lately to write. I started to write to fend off the unjust, unfounded lies perpetrated against President Trump. Since Joe was inaugurated I have been dumbfounded by the path this administration has taken.

Operation Talon, never heard of it until two days ago. It came about to combat child sex trafficking in the United States. What did I say, in the United States? Yes, it happens, sadly! Your Commander in Chief just put an end to Operation Talon. You would think the just cause of this would transcend administrations, apparently not in this case. Rumors abound of the sexploitations of the “elite” in this country.

The Democrats jump up and down about women’s rights and equal protection. My body my choice. The MeToo movement. Joe Biden signed an executive order that allows transgendered folks to participate in women’s sports. This would effectively end women’s sports. I don’t care that anyone is transgender, you do what makes you happy. Women work as hard as men do to excel in the sport of their choosing. This executive order could affect college scholarships. Over the last few years some States have embraced transgendered athletes which is OK, knock your socks off. Look at the video of the events, Billy who is not Billy anymore crushes the girls in the track and field competition. Transgendered MMA fighters giving other women fighters skull fractures. With the stroke of a pen, women’s sports is effectively dead!

Since the start of the Sars-Covid 2 lockdowns and the junk that followed tax revenue for all levels of government has fallen off. In the beginning you would hear of some cities and states readjusting their budgets to reflect the drop off in taxes, not the federal government. Moving a bit forward, Joe Biden during the debates said we need to transition away from fossil fuels. An executive order stopping work on the Keystone Pipeline on day one not only put 10,000 people out of work but also took away much needed tax revenue away from the government. So much for the transition. Regardless of what your agenda is, you are not helping anyone at any level by killing jobs and tax revenue at this point.

Here is my take. None of this makes any sense for a person with any logical thinking. This is an absolute and total lack of compassion for other humans. What would possess you or anyone to disregard the well being of the citizens of your country for your political agenda. Oh wait this is the government and right now the Democrats! They are attempting to shove their “climate crisis, equality for everyone and silence any dissent” down our throat! If you can’t see it God bless you. S**t is hitting the fan quickly. The Constitution is being pushed aside for socialism. We are already seeing the groups that Democrats have championed over the years being thrown aside because they won it all in November. Now that they won you are useless to them. In the Constitution once a year in January or February, the Speaker of the House requests the President to give the State of the Union Address. Today is the 28th of February, No state of the union address to lay out the agenda of the administration, what does that tell you?

Mine Your Own Business We Are Going Electric

Joe Biden during his first flurry of executive orders announced that all federal vehicles will be going electric. Before I digress too far let me just mention that our esteemed Speaker of the Horses**t Pelosi’s husband actually bought stock in Tesla the week before Biden announced this new order. Can you say insider trading!! Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading.

Anyway the government is going electric. I don’t know the specifics and I don’t care, what I do know from some research will follow. Do you know what goes into making a battery for an electric car? Did you know you have to mine for them? You know actually dig a hole in the ground like you would for oil or coal? Tesla is worried that there soon will be some upcoming global shortages of minerals used to make batteries for electric cars, like nickel, copper, and lithium.

What do you need to mine for nickel, copper and lithium, heavy duty equipment, you know the kind that run on diesel fuel, oh the horror! We yet have the technology to mine for rare earth minerals with electric heavy duty equipment. So your electric car that will save the environment is built with the help of fossil fuels! Oh hell no, write your Congressman or woman, this is unacceptable! At the end there will be a huge hole in the ground that will kill the environment in the area. Wait before you go on a hunger strike why don’t you ask the folks of Alaska about the pipeline that runs from the North Slope to Valdez about the environmental impact. I will give you a hint, there is none!!

Here is my take. As of 2011 there were 254,059 vehicles owned or leased by the federal government. Now the obvious reaction would be there would be more vehicles now, ten years later. These vehicles cost tax money! Let’s say half of these vehicles are owned by the government. Let’s say they go with the electric Prius, that cost would be, 3 billion, 115 million, 386 thousand, 225 hundred dollars. How is that for your tax dollars at work! Expect tax hikes for your environmentally friendly vehicles. Before I go, don’t forget the upcoming shortage of elements for your battery operated vehicle, which will undoubtedly drive up the cost of your electric vehicle. How will you afford your electric vehicle if it costs a gas guzzling $40,000 or more, the government will, at your expense.

Heaven Forbid If You Die And Think The “Wrong” Way

Rush Limbaugh died a couple of days ago from lung cancer. Conservative icon and long time radio host. A local radio host said today he single handedly save radio. Same host said Rush actually started out as a disk jockey. I never knew that information.

You would think people would be respectful, not so much. Twitter is just a hate filled cesspool of angry, self serving, self loathing, self important beings. Hashtag rest in piss was trending. How disgusting! Death comes for all of us, there is no escape. So tell me all you self important beings, when Death comes for you, how do you want to be remembered? Should we take screen shots of all your hate spewed posts and send them to your loved ones? Are you not a Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife to someone? Rush Limbaugh was! Ruth Bader Ginsberg was yet some of the people that supposedly loved her still found time to bash her death. “You should have retired under Obama!” ” You died a month early, you couldn’t have waited!” I saw these, they are real.

Does anyone remember Howard Stern? Do you know the Sirius XM guy or do you remember the FM guy? If you remember the FM guy your sense of what is taboo or controversial would send you under your Mom’s bed for security. Do yourself a favor and look it up, hence he is the original shock jock! The one thing that should stick out for anyone about Howard Stern is when his ratings would come in, the people that hated him would listen more than the people that actually liked him. Reason being, they wanted to hear what he would say next! Look it up, he has a movie, it is in there!!

Here is my take. I mourn the loss of anyone. It is a reminder of my time on this Earth is inching ever so slowly to the end. I am in my 50’s so Death could come calling at any point. That is OK, I have accepted it, I understand it. It makes me a better person, it makes me more understanding. It makes me take in that sunrise, accept the 8 inches of snow when only 3 inches were called. In closing to those that dumped on Rush Limbaugh at his death, I laugh at you! If you called him names, you listened. If you hashtag rest in piss you listened. Your emboldened hatred of a man you never knew only made him rich! He made millions off of your hate!! You made his spirit rich by your hate which enabled him to speak more freely. Congratulations that man will for ever will be remembered because of your hate!! Rest in Peace Rush Limbaugh.

Have Republicans Forgotten Who Gave Them A Spine

We have the stolen election and shortly thereafter Republicans started bailing on President Trump. After the electoral college certification debacle, Republicans stabbed President Trump in the back. Impeachment number two, unconstitutional and all, some Republicans are all in. Ronna McDaniel, chairperson of the Republican National Committee. Not even a month after President Trump asked her to head the committee again for the next four years, said she does not support him running in 2024. We can now add a potential Presidential candidate to the mix, Nikki Haley. She basically said President Trump was at fault for the Capital riot and Republicans need to distance themselves from President Trump.

What are these people looking at? Do they need glasses? Are we speaking different languages? In 2008 Democrats and the media called McCain a racist, did he fight back, no he just let them roll right over him. He took the high road and became a punching bag. In 2012 Mitt Romney proved what a spineless weasel he is, que the Democrat strategy, personal attacks! They attacked his Mormon faith, what did he do, focus on the issues. Honorable but you might have gotten a little dirty to support what you believe.

In general conservatives have been brow beaten by Democrats for a long time for our lack of vision, narrowminded views, lack of empathy and even love of the United States. Hell former Commander in Chief Obama in 2012 told those of us that did not vote for him to “sit down shut up and get to the back of the bus, I won!”

In walked President Trump in 2015, brash, arrogant and rich and running on the Republican ticket. Having already walked in the circles of the rich and famous President Trump stepped on some toes running against them. His campaign was called a joke, he was called an idiot. One of the things that struck me was during the debates Ben Carson was supposed to be called to the stage and wasn’t, President Trump got called. President Trump stood by Ben Carson and waited until they figured out what happened. Does that sound like and idiot, brash and arrogant man? He was the first to call out fake news! The news has always been left leaning but it doesn’t lean anymore, it’s standing firmly on the left. President Trump started playing the same game Democrats have for more than 20 years character assassination. Guess what he was playing it better than they could have done.

Here is my take. President Trump made it ok to be an American. He made it ok to stand up for what you believe. He believed in us! He battled for us! He worked tirelessly everyday for all Americans. He showed Congress what it was like to work hard and put in the effort everyday! President Trump took the Republican party under his wing and molded it after America, gave it a backbone!! What we have seen since the election is a total lack of backbone from the Republican party. Those that remain have no spine and will find it hard to bring 75 million together without President Trump at the helm!