You can’t keep a good country down!

The Corona Virus has done a lot of things to this country. Economy shut down. Stay at home orders. People arrested for stupid reasons. Media manipulation of the virus. Elected officials becoming overbearing tyrants. If you didn’t follow the rules, Mom or Dad would punish you further!!

I have already stated in previously written articles that I was missing something regarding the virus. How many of us did our due diligence in investigating the risks of the virus to our own safety? I did for four hours! All too often people are locked into their phone and their apps to venture outside their own self absorbed world to measure the risk/ reward of their actions. The boogeyman was spoon fed to us by a compliant media always looking for the biggest T.V. rating over a competing network.

You get to find out a lot about people when you take things away from them for two months. Three different groups emerge, in my estimation, the compliant group willing to do whatever is told of them. The second group willing to play by the rules but also willing stand up to the bully and take the fight to the bully, if the bully gets a bit crazy. The third group just blatantly ignorant of what is going on around them and don’t care about the consequences.

We are very lucky to live in United States of America, we have the Constitution that gives direction to us if we need to keep the Government in check. Just a few of the things guaranteed to us under the Constitution are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As the weeks have gone by we continually see more citizens of this country stand up to the overbearing orders given by some Governors or Mayors around the country.

Here is my take. The people of this country are reminding the Government at every level who is in charge. The Government is not in charge of our lives. The Constitution provides the framework to live our lives in this country as we see fit. It reminds me of a quote from Admiral Yamamoto regarding the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. “I am afraid we have awoken a sleeping giant.” Those of us who understand the Corona Virus can make educated decisions regarding our lives and those it may affect. Those same elected officials come November may find out how their media loving scare tactics changed public opinion of them.

Leadership during Covid 19

The United States jumped into the Corona Virus fray on January 31st. President Trump banned all flights from China. The Democrats as usual, called his ban racist and xenophobic. The first case of the Corona Virus was confirmed on January 21st. Nancy Pelosi was in Chinatown on January 24th saying it is safe everyone come down to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

President Trump has put his face out in front of this issue, on T.V. almost everyday with his team. Good, bad or indifferent of your personal view on the man, he has been in front of the issue. The media has blown up this virus to monumental status from the get go, along with the supposed lack of PPE equipment. My wife and I every morning before work watch ESPN, low and behold, sports stars were able to buy and ship PPE equipment to healthcare workers in their communities. What about the shortage? The Massachusetts Governor asked Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots to fly the team plane to China for PPE, again, the shortage?

There are no pro sports in America right now. No revenue what so ever, think of all of those stadium employees out of work. Countless sports stars donated money to their teams employees to make sure they had paychecks. Upper management of teams are taking pay cuts to keep people afloat. President Trump donated his quarterly salary to fighting the Corona Virus. One! Only one member of Congress donated salary to the Corona Virus fight, Senator Rob Portman, from Ohio donated two months of salary to help.

We have had at least four members of Congress save themselves millions of dollars in the stock market by their standing in certain committees. They broke the law being involved in, insider trading, using their knowledge ahead of news hitting the mainstream media. I am sure those four weren’t the only ones. We had the CARES ACT almost ready to pass, Nancy Pelosi came swooping in and managed to block it, spouting her joy of blocking the first iteration of the bill, eating ice cream from her millionaire kitchen. Some members of Congress don’t want to come back to work because of the virus, they are still getting paid!

Here is my take. Leadership comes in many forms, I prefer the kind that is honest open and at the end of the day, I can look myself in the mirror and say I did good things today. In some cases decisions I had to make were not easy and made my life a little harder in the short term. The long term affects made me better prepared for any bump in the road. That being said, I see no leadership from Congress, too afraid to step up because they will have to face the voters at some point! They think “their leadership” comes from the chair they sit in, in the halls of Congress. You don’t know true leadership until you put your face in front of an issue!

The 2020 Election

The 2020 Election is just about 7 months away. It is going to be f#$%ed up to say the least. The best economy this country has ever seen!! Lowest unemployment ever!! All gone because of the corona virus, Wuhan flu, covid 19, Kung flu, whatever you want to call it. Fear by the media and politicians seems to perpetuate the situation.

President Trump has been under attack by the Democrats and the media even before he took office. Every attempt to discredit him or administration has come up empty, on fact less information, hearsay and lies. Russia died! Mueller report died! Impeachment died! Along comes the Wuhan flu, covid 19. One of the past proven methods of removing a President from office is to have an economy tank, because the voters suffer. I have done previous blogs about my thoughts on this virus.

Just two days ago, on a morning radio show, the commentary talked about how most of the false disinformation and outright lies about the covid 19 flu come right from the politicians and celebrities. This study was from “the” Oxford University. A former Obama advisor said in the past, not to let a good crisis go to waste. The Democrats have tried to add things unrelated to the corona virus to the first Cares Act bill. One in fact was, mail in ballots for all Americans.

One thing not reported in the U.S. is the fact that Sweden never shut down, Singapore never shut down. Their covid 19 deaths are no more or less than what is happening in the world at this point. It seems that the death rate is the same regardless of “flattening the curve

Ballot harvesting, also called vote harvesting, is the collecting and submitting of absentee or mail-in voter ballots by volunteers or workers. It occurs in some areas of the U.S. where voting by mail is common, but is illegal in some other states. An article I read today talked about how there are 28 million absentee votes out there ready to use by either party to suit their needs. A co-worker posted an article the other day from Stanford University that stated voter fraud doesn’t help either party. My first reaction, you are calling fraud OK!

So please tell me, our all knowing Congressional leaders, how can both sides claim, one there is no fraud and there is fraud. Democrats say there is no fraud and Republicans say there is fraud. The article I mentioned earlier with missing absentee votes is from the Federal Election Commission. So they know it happens and more than we actually are aware. You have had folks in Michigan and New Jersey arrested for voter fraud acts, in the last year.

Here is my take. The media is going to use corona virus as a fear tool to help the Democrats push for mail in voting. Death rates, infection rates as they are now will be hammered into anyone listening to the news. All of those people waiting in line to vote could wind up killing each other, we need to keep Americans safe. Democrats in Congress will say in the name of saving lives we need mail in voting. We just had the primary here in Ohio, the day I personally went to drop off our ballots, there were people in line to vote. Guess what, social distancing was in place. Bottom line we need to vote in person and we need to show ID to vote!