Why Are We Still Calling The Covid-19 Vaccine A Vaccine?

The evidence is mounting that the Covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine. First let’s define a vaccine. From Webster’s Dictionary- material (as a preparation of killed or weakened virus or bacteria) used in vaccinating to induce immunity to a disease. So let’s ask the question is this shot really a vaccine.

The media is telling us cases of the “Delta” variant are up. Cases are up, yes they are, cases of what? I have not heard one thing saying how the “Delta” variant is differentiated from the original virus other than it is more contagious. What test tells you that you have Covid-19 or the “Delta” variant? I haven’t heard one person attest to said test. There is no test that specifies Covid-19 or the “Delta” variant,. It is assumed right now that your positive test is the “Delta” variant, Dr. Peter Ching Hong from the University of San Francisco.

Anyone know what RSV is? I didn’t know until yesterday. RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, a respiratory disease that occurs in mostly children because they are not exposed to the environment at large. You know were all of the viruses are, the big bad world, where you make mud pies. We have locked down all of the kids, put masks on their faces to their detriment and yet here we are ready and willing to do it again! Right now kids are going to the hospital in record numbers, out of season for RSV, usually flu season, cough, cough! The reason, kids need to build their immune system, go play, get dirty, get sick!

The CDC, Fauci and their ilk talk continually about efficacy of the shot, the efficacy of the mask, the efficacy of the lockdown. Big word let’s look at the meaning, power or capacity to produce a desired effect. The desired effect was to eliminate Sars Covid 2, has it happened? Has it been contained? Has it been slowed? Has it helped your existence on this planet? Were is the desired effect?

Here is my take. This is the seventh named coronavirus, I said this before, none of them has been eradicated like polio or the mumps. It is here and we have to deal with it, bottom line. The Spanish Flu is still around our bodies adjust. The Pfizer shot is now only 42% effective as a vaccine. The Moderna shot is 86% effective as a vaccine. So realistically we are not dealing with vaccines, according to the definition. When do we shut this down? The initial polio vaccine got shut down after 250 people got polio, they fixed it!! We have thousands dead and damn near a million people afflicted with some sort adverse reaction. Crickets abound. When will the madness stop!