Tyranny At It’s Finest On Full Display

Tyranny= oppressive power. If we are paying attention Australia is in full lock down and has been for months. The latest is quarantine camps, what, how did that happen? Isn’t it a conspiracy theory? It is not, they just opened a quarantine camp just outside Darwin. Guess who the first occupants are, the Aborigines, native to Australia. The government deems them a risk to themselves because they tend to cohabitate in clusters. So anyone that tests positive and anyone with close contact gets picked up by the military, yes the military and taken to the quarantine camp.

In France the citizens keep protesting vaccine passports. For sixteen straight weekends French citizens are out in the streets en masse. They have given the middle finger to the overlords in the government by storming a few malls requiring passports to enter. They walk thru and sing. When restaurants were required to ask for vaccine passports, the French said F.U. and brought their own food, sat down in the areas outside the restaurants and had lunch. The French people have even chased off the riot squad a few times. Here is how they listen to the French citizens protesting, bring out the hoses and spray them down to disperse the crowds.

Right now in Europe Austria and Slovakia have gone into full lockdown for new cases apparently exploding. 1800 and 1500 cases per million. Of course the official narrative is unvaccinated are causing the outbreak. Austria is going to a full on compulsory vaccination by February 1st. Yet as we know the vaccinated can still get Sars Covid 2 and spread it as well as the unvaccinated.

Here is my take. The tyranny is out there to the likes we haven’t seen since WWII. Just like back then all facets of our life are joining in on the tyranny. Look a bit harder, take a longer look, go beyond the headlines. Dig a little deeper. Australia has no guns, it is the template for how far the push is going to be on the rest of the world. Take away the guns you get more tyranny. The United States ranks number one in the world for guns per person, that is the single reason why there are only mandates for the most part. Something like 300 million guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition. This is our second amendment protecting our asses right now. “They” can censor the first amendment all they want with little to no repercussion but try and take away the guns, the United States government will have a huge problem. We must continue to hold the line and push without violence. There is power in numbers and the numbers don’t lie.