Kyle Rittenhouse Is Found Not Guilty

After four days of deliberation the Kyle Rittenhouse jury came back with a verdict of not guilty. This case was riddled with incompetence from the prosecutors, a dressing down of the prosecutors by the judge and an attempted shakedown of the jury by the media.

The prosecutors did not do their homework. Kyle did not bring the gun across state lines, as reported by the media. The lawful owner brought it across state lines. Kyle was charged with possessing a firearm with a barrel too short according to Wisconsin state law, the barrel was never measured. The star witness of the prosecution said under oath the he pointed his gun first at Kyle. It was reported that Kyle was randomly shooting into the crowd. They obviously didn’t coach their witness very well.

Let’s turn our attention to the media, the fair and impartial media. They unabashedly accused a 17 year old as a white supremacist a killer, a domestic terrorist. We even had a producer from MSNBC follow the jury bus to gain access to the jury. Again as is the case the last 10 years or so, you are guilty before proven innocent in the eyes of the media. He took the lives of two innocent victims and injured a third. Pick the news outlet same story day after day. So much for reporting facts, because they picked what “information” they wanted to report, whether true or not.

Here is my take. This case smelled funny from the get go. Prosecution errors to the likes we have not seen in a major case of this magnitude. My perspective is they were trying to throw the case to get an acquittal. As the case proceeded we started to hear the dreaded white privilege and white supremacy. You started to hear of BLM and Antifa raising their voices in opposition of how the case was not going in favor of the prosecution. No justice, no peace! Were riots planned? When the verdict did come down, the media crowed and cried foul play and racism! A white guy going thru the justice system set up to protect white people. Please tell me how we have white supremacy if all of the victims and the accused are white? Hey media jack holes why didn’t you report on the fact that one of the so called victims was a pedophile, the second beat women and the third had previous gun charges. If Kyle Rittenhouse traveled 21 miles to Kenosha to cause harm, why did one of the “victims” travel 51 miles to Kenosha? Why was there a person who shot a gun in the air before Kyle shot back never brought to court, how about the skateboard dude who hit Kyle in the head with the skateboard never brought to court? Hell even the mayor of New York City and his staff didn’t bother to check the facts before DeBlasio tweeted out the debunked gun across state lines and how he was incensed at the verdict. Bottom line, politicians lie, the leftist media lies all to push their agenda. They wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped them in the face!