The Truth Is Coming Out Yet People Don’t Know

How many of us are paying attention? How many of us realize the reality of what is going on? Probably not as many as you would think. It seems the recent admissions of the FDA and CDC have not seem to have had any impact on those who are not paying attention.

Three weeks ago the CDC director Walensky came out and said that cloth masks don’t work. Where was the outrage from the public, non existent! The media didn’t cover it and why would they, they are part of the problem. News, pertinent life changing news, not covered to inform the public. The big push to keep masks on kids and keep them from school was the big story.

The FDA, what a sad state of affairs. The “vaccine” is the only way. The “vaccine” is 95% effective. The “vaccine” is 75% effective. The “vaccine” will prevent you from going to the hospital. The “vaccine” does not stop the transmission of Sars Covid 2. The “vaccine” is still your best bet to make it thru this pandemic.

The VAERS system which anyone can report to, individuals, doctors and health care providers after one year of this so called “vaccine” has a less than a 1% reporting to the system. I would guess that all of the available doctors and health care providers would make up 100% reporting if they did. Right now we have over 22,000 deaths with less than a 1% reporting, so are you telling me we have 2.2 million deaths from the “vaccine”? Hell the media had a rolling Sars Covid 2 death count from the start of the pandemic, why not a VAERS report count.

Here is my take. The media has conditioned the public at large to believe Sars Covid 2 and whatever variant they are pushing is going to kill them. Omicron is crumbling the pandemic yet folks going to the hospital are saying, “at least I was vaccinated.” My seven year old son had a heart attack, thank God he was vaccinated. The critical thinking is out the window, your mask has you breathing more carbon dioxide than oxygen, you are not functioning at full capacity. The brain uses 25% of the oxygen you breath, Hypoxia is a function of the brain using less oxygen. At you will find a current study that basically admits that wearing a mask and doing some kind of exertion can bring on a mild case of Hypoxia. They want to do more study. My 6th grade self knew that more oxygen is good, less is bad! The CDC is stating there have been 75,755,829 cases of Sars Covid 2 in the United States and the media had no problem listing these growing numbers at the bottom left of their news casts for well over a year. If you look there are well over 1 million adverse reactions to the “vaccine” where is that counter at the bottom left of the screen? Wait we wouldn’t want to scare the public into not taking the “vaccine”. For two years now the so called conspiracy theories have been coming true like a line of dominos slowly falling one after another. I only hope the truth catches up at a faster pace!