If You Think Our Representatives Are Looking Out For Our Best Interests….

If you are like me ever since I hit my twenties, some 33 years ago I learned that all of these Senators and Representatives that I have voted for over the years don’t care about us. You know , middle class Americans, the little guy. For years my representation in Washington D.C. has slowly been eroding my Constitutional rights in favor of their own gain at my expense.

Had all of these sellouts followed the Constitution and kept the government small and in control. Had they followed the simple edict by the people for the people. Had they had any semblance of a spine or morals the United States of America would not be in the situation it is in today.

Patriotism: one who loves his or her country. These so called representatives of ours spout how they love our country every two years or six years. If one party or the other is in control they bash the other party and talk of how the threat to Democracy is in the minority party. Let’s remind everyone, the United States is a Constitutional Republic. A pure democracy would be a form of government in which the leaders, while elected by the people, are not constrained by a constitution as to its actions. In a republic, however, elected officials cannot take away or violate certain rights of the people.

Congress is privy to lots of classified information depending on the committee they sit on and they all have been taking advantage of this for decades. Nancy Pelosi bought stock in Tesla days before Joe Biden announced all government vehicles were going electric. There are literally people watching what the Pelosi family does regarding stock purchases now. Majorie Taylor Greene bought stock in one of the drug companies producing the cough, cough, vaccines. Here is the key if you heard Dan Crenshaw speak in the last week or so you will get the gist. Representative Crenshaw, from Texas, former navy seal and Republican defended Nancy Pelosi’s no comment on insider trading. His defense was that I have to have two properties in Washington D.C. to do my job. My salary is not that much. In 2012 Congress passed an insider trading law against themselves, the fine, $200 dollars. Yet they don’t report against themselves, Democrat or Republican.

Here is my take. I thought about investing in Pfizer and Moderna at the beginning of the pandemic. Slam dunk investment, guess what, I didn’t do it! I have morals. I have been against the shot from the get go. The fact that Congress as a whole takes advantage of their position in government proves they can’t be trusted with our tax dollars. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. They aren’t spending their money, they are spending our tax money. The simple fact that Crenshaw can defend insider trading tells you how far and how corrupt Washington D.C. is, they do nothing for the people, it is for themselves. Remember the government sent Martha Stewart to jail for insider trading. What job skills do you have to contribute to society? Lying, cheating and stealing, in the name of serving your country. According to the Constitution, Congress only need to convene twice a year. Pretty much that tells you the founders never intended the government to be a full time job, hence the swamp.