The Fauci Lies Keep Piling Up What Next

Dr. Fauci the man who has been in charge of the infectious diseases arm of the government for some 40 years is in hot water. A FOIA request of his emails has turned up a treasure trove of information regarding him and his colleagues. This also brings to light a lot of the Sars-Covid 2 propaganda we have been thru in the last year.

The Freedom Of Information Act request dumped some 3200 emails between Fauci his co-workers, other government officials, outside sources and some network T.V. requests. I personally went thru some of the emails, no time to sit through all 3200. The ego on this guy for the job he does, what a piece of work. Someone sent him an email with links to what MSM shows he was on that day, his reply was don’t forget these other shows I was on that particular day. Another email that struck me was from a woman asking for his advice on masks or something, the response included how he was working 24/7 with no break. Well looking thru the emails he could have had a break but with all the requests to do T.V. that he accepted, know wonder he didn’t have a break!!

In 2005 his office offered up a paper that lauded the results of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatments for Sars types of diseases and coronaviruses. If you remember correctly President Trump also praised these drugs at the beginning of the pandemic. The media and Fauci lambasted these drugs as ineffective and un-tested. In the case of hydroxychloroquine, it is a drug used to treat malaria and has been used for 60 years. Another paper Fauci and his cronies sent out is the ineffectiveness of masks stopping the spread of airborne viruses. Now these would be the general run of the mill masks that were widely used by the public in the last year. I even wrote about the size of the virus, .125 microns and the mask will stop particles ranging from .30 microns to .50 microns. Fauci in the beginning wanted no masks, then one, then two, all lies, complete and utter lies!!

Here is my take. Dr. Fauci is a self serving fraud. A life long bureaucrat who thinks he has the answers. This man needs to be arrested and charged with treason and crimes against humanity. Money from his institute has been tracked to the Wuhan Institute for years. His lies about the origin of Sars Covid 2 are seeing the light of day. It was man made and he helped to cover it up. Crimes against humanity are certain acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, in times of war or peace. In my estimation this fits the bill. The millions of lives affected by this P.O.S. are crimes against humanity. I can only hope the souls of these people haunt him the rest of his life.