Memorial Day 2021

Tomorrow is Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember those that sacrificed their lives in order for this country and the Constitution to survive. In my younger years I was guilty of hey another day off! As the years have peeled away from my life, Memorial Day has become more solemn and reflective.

George Washington and the Continental Army crossing the Delaware River into Trenton to surprise the British during winter. The battle of Antietam during the Civil War, one of the bloodiest ever. The battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War also very bloody. The massive trenches dug that would entrench both sides during World War I. The battle of the Bulge in World War II. The battles in and around the 38th parallel during the Korean War. The soldiers who were evacuating people from Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. The Marines who lost their lives in Beirut in 1982. Desert Storm. Desert Shield. Benghazi. The list is endless of those who fought to protect this country.

These days of me, me, me lots of people don’t have a clue of these points in time I listed. I did not need a goggle search to know of these events. They are ingrained in my brain from history classes in school or from the news, when it reported the news. The massive loss of life to push back tyranny in many forms, from socialists to communists is staggering. The likes of AOC saying January 6th was equivalent to war shows how little people know or understand the meaning of what war actually is and what the meaning of Memorial Day means.

Here is my take. As Edmund Burke said, “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” History needs to be taught, the evil things of war need to be taught. The failings of socialism and communism need to be taught. There are roughly 100 million deaths related to socialism and communism. These two failed ideologies are at our doorstep and our leaders are opening the door and walking right through it with open arms to embrace Marx, Stalin and Mao. We need a history reminder right now! Tomorrow I salute those brave men and women who gave their lives that gave me a history lesson not soon forgot. God bless them all.