In Reflection and Moving Forward

Look make no doubt about it. I want President Trump to win. Hanging out with the grandkids gives some perspective and reflection. The Misses calls me Mr. Scenario guy, I play options out in my head not just one or two but lots and lots! Let’s say Joe Biden becomes President, what then?

For those of us on the other side, there will be many that will do the same rally cry, #Not My President. Kamala Harris already did promise to make a point to call out those that supported President Trump. AOC apparently already has a map of the U.S. with push pins locating donors to President Trump. So if President Trump looses where do we go?

The House of Representatives is already in Democrat hands. The Senate at this point is 48 Republicans, 46 Democrats and two others with four seats up for grabs. Everything the Democrats want to hinges on winning the Senate at this point. Who knows but……….

I’m 52, I know what I know I believe what I believe. I don’t take things too seriously because it could be worse. I really wasn’t a political guy until 2012. Our President at the time Mr. Obama after being re-elected told the rest of us, “Sit down, shut up and get to the back of the bus, I won!” Tell me how that is going to sit with half the population that did not vote for you! We elect President Trump and suddenly it is the end of the world. The stock market will crash, gays will be locked up and World War III will happen! Thank you for shoving everything and anything that could be manipulated down our throats! President Trump is just a horrible person, father, grandfather! Who is he to think there will be peace in the Middle East? Why did he cut taxes, it will make Social Security insolvent. Why would he cut drug prices, wouldn’t that hurt the bottom line of the drug companies. Why back the farmers? Why stand behind the police, they all kill african-americans! Things that make this country what it is are bashed. If you support those ideals your are canceled! Joe Biden came out the other day and said he would be a President for all Americans. Please tell me after four years of being bashed for supporting “THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” Joe Biden is going to bring this country together. I can’t see it, how is he going to call off the hounds, he will be pushed where ever they want and that is why they voted for him!!

Here is my take. Is it time to end this grand experiment? They want socialism. They want Medicare for all. They want everyone in their particular bubble. They want everyone to believe their beliefs. If you don’t subscribe to their beliefs you are to be canceled! The left won’t let it go and they won’t accept any view unless it is theirs. If the Senate falls to the Democrats welcome to the Green New Deal. The last thing and as horrible as it is to even mention do we secede to save who and what we were as a country?