How To Steal An Election In Ten Easy Steps

Here we are November 7th and still no clear winner for President. Biden has claimed victory, President Trump has claimed victory. The media has claimed victory for Biden and even pushed for President Trump to move on. Anderson Cooper even called President Trump an obese turtle on it’s back baking in the Sun fighting for it’s life knowing the end is near.

So to the meat and potatoes. Start with a man you hate, that just happens to be the elected President of the United States. He defeats the anointed one, Hillary Clinton, piss the left off! Get your minions to “hashtag resist” him at every turn. Russian collusion, fail. Impeachment, fail. Add a pandemic and hope for a recession, check, fail. Hey let’s really sully the election and add mail in voting, for the safety of the public because of the coronavirus. Hire crooked pollsters. Throw away ballots. Keep the opposition pollsters away. Use the media to sow distrust in the President. I’m at eleven, I could keep going but I’ll stop there.

I hope not to hear anyone from Congress refer to election integrity.  That would just make me angry.  They the lawmakers did nothing to stop this from happening. In my opinion there was willful intent on the part of Congress.  It seems as though President Trump kicked the hornets nest this time in a good way. All of the media, so called experts and D.C. insiders are scurrying around trying to discredit President Trump on a topic he has talked about since the primaries were taking place back in March.

So the oath of office to the country is-

 “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”” So please explain to me how in God’s name can you read the part of the Constitution about how when and why voting happens and not come to the conclusion that the Democrats and their minions are violating the Constitution and the oath of office!! They are breaking the law plain and simple!

Here is my take. Earlier I mentioned willful intent, defined as- A party’s intention to knowingly and deliberately act or refrain from acting in a particular manner or to achieve a particular result. We have seen the Democrats actually commit treason trying to steal this election right in front of the American people. Can President Trump prove it if he decides to go that route!