I’m just a bill, just a lonely old bill

For those that are old enough, the title means something. For those who are not, look it up. It could mean something to you. The Cincinnati enquirer on April 7th had an article that made me go WTF!! It seems our esteemed elected officials that make the laws we abide by don’t seem to write them. You would think someone on their staff would write the bill. Wrong think again. Would it be a corporate lawyer, wrong answer. Well then who would write a bill? It would be a model bill. They come from think tanks, corporate entities and political action committees.

So your sitting Senator or Representative with their minimum $174,000 a year salary and at least a 23 person staff don’t come up with the laws in which we abide? So as a person that controls his budget along with his wife, lives within our means, and balance a budget every month, this makes no fiscal sense. You get paid that amount of money and we get, it seems nothing on our tax investment. What exactly are you folks doing in Washington D.C.?

The special interest groups and industrial groups are getting what they want. OK in some instances that is bad. I fully believe in the Capitalist model on the flip side. My focus is more on the fact our elected officials are not working and we pay them an absorbent amount of money do to “their job.”

Here is my take. Every election cycle we, the people need to delve deep into those who want to represent us. They come to us promising everything under the Sun, what do they deliver…..nothing. There is, after election a orientation for new Senators and Congressmen, would that orientation more or less be sit down and shut up? They say Washington D.C. is a grind, who is going to stand above it? We the people need to stand above it. Keep thinking people!