What do you know about the Corona virus?

The World Health Organization was informed December 31, 2019 of a cluster of pneumonia outbreaks in Wuhan, China. For me it was weeks later that corona virus became something you would hear about everyday. As the days progressed it became more serious of and outbreak and COVID-19 was attached to it. Now I am no doctor or health professional but when I see “19” after COVID, it tells me there might be 18 other COVID’s out in the world.

Well if you spend any time on the CDC website, like I did, you will find out there are 7 corona viruses. The first four are the typical corona virus people get every year. Number 5 on the list is the MERS-CoV corona virus 2012. Number 6 on the list is the SARS-CoV corona virus 2004. Now number 7 in our face everyday is our COVID-19 corona virus. If you look at what the CDC recommends for the corona virus, aka, the flu and COVID-19 they are basically the same!! The same CDC has recommendations for those with a high risk of contracting the virus, those folks that are elderly and those that have complications from other diseases. Those recommendations are basically the same, the high risk folk are the ones that are recommended to stock up on supplies, not, the general population.

The CDC defines a pandemic as an epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, usually affecting a large number of people. The CDC says there are roughly 45 million people in the United States that were diagnosed with a corona virus (flu) between October 2019 and February 22, 2020. Of those 45 million, there were 46,000 deaths from a corona virus (flu). As of March 7th there were 164 cases of COVID-19 in the United States.

Let’s revisit the swine flu, a corona virus, from 2009. The CDC estimated there were 151,700-575,400 people that died from this version of a corona virus world-wide. The CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases of swine flu, 274,304 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths in the United States due to the swine flu. This particular corona virus was first detected in April 2009 and a reliable “flu” shot for this particular strain was not available until November 2010. In 2009 there were 2,437,163 total deaths reported in the United States.

Here is my take. This is just another strain of the flu, they mutate all of the time. Please just stop the hysteria! Facts folks, the news is not out for facts! Ratings or agendas are the norms for the news media today. I took about 4 hours of research and typing for this article. Had I not had any inclination to write an article I could have been armed with all the pertinent information to make an educated decision in about 30 minutes. Take care of yourself and do the basics you are supposed to do daily!