There Is Shrapnel Everywhere You Must Be Over The Target

So the title is in reference to WWII bomber pilots when they would drop their bombs. The media and talking heads these days are their loudest when anyone starts talking about anything that goes against the Left’s agenda. The name calling ensues, racist, misogynist homophobe….. you get the point.

The latest dropping bombs on the target. Florida bill 1557 the so called don’t say gay bill. The left is carrying on with reckless abandon how it is anti LGBT, can you say shrapnel!! I am just going to do some copy and paste here. CNN’s Brandon Tensley looked at this issue in his Race Deconstructed newsletter. He talked to the UC Berkeley philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler about how with both the “Parental Rights” and “Individual Freedom” bills, Republicans are tapping into parents fears. “There’s a fantasy going on that children are being indoctrinated,” Butler told CNN. “Parents and communities want to exercise forms of censorship to stop their children from knowing about how the world is being organized and how different people are living their lives.”

Twenty years ago would you have seen a drag queen in a library telling stories to kids? I have been to a couple of drag shows, I was an adult! The news is full of how the world is against LGBT folks. They are not celebrated or embraced, the world tries to humiliate and demean them which could cause self harm or possibly suicide. What group or bunch of people in this world aren’t persecuted, demeaned or bullied?

Here is my take. Point one. I read bill 1557 end to end, it is seven pages!! Anyone could have read this in two minutes. Did anyone, I think not. The bill protects students from indoctrination. I don’t care that you are gay, I don’t care if you are transgender and I don’t care if you are just a spirit, good for you. When did Caitlin Jenner figure out that she wanted to be a woman, as an adult. What good decisions have anyone of us made as a kid that turned out to be the best thing we ever did? I collected sponges at one point, did that make me a sponge? A month or two later I was collecting rocks, did it make me an anthropologist, no. When did I fully figure out who I was, I was in my mid thirties!! Now I understand we are not all the same, but what five year old needs to hear about trans and gay folks, none of them. Those five year old’s need to be playing in the mud and learning how to count, not how I feel better identifying as a woman. Being a kid, just a kid is hard enough without being told two men together touching each other’s penis is OK.

Teachers, lobbyists and anti children people please just read the bill. Nowhere in the bill does it say, don’t say gay. Obviously you don’t have the intelligence to do your own research, you are so willing to throw yourself on a grenade for your cause you could care less for the education of the kids. My parent teacher days consisted of here is what the kids are going to learn, not I am gay and married and I support all trans folks. Your business is your business. When any kid is in school it is about education not indoctrination