The Swamp Proved It Is The Cesspool Of Corruption

The Twitter files released by Elon have proven a treasure trove of corruption by the Federal government. Everything that the conspiracy theorists have talked about for years and dismissed by the main stream media, was just proven true. Do you think for a minute any news coverage has happened, oh hell no!! As I listened to one podcast, I think there is a total of 3 minutes coverage combined by all of the main stream media. Think about it, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and Fox only three minutes total!!

Where do you start!! Why not Yoel Roth former head of Trust and Safety. He was approached by the FBI before the 2020 election and was told to be on the lookout for Russian disinformation regarding the Hunter Biden laptop! What started out as monthly meetings with the FBI turned into weekly meetings that turned into the FBI giving Twitter a direct link that they could just send certain employees lists of people or information they wanted censored. Yoel Roth being a leftist and a Democrat was no fan of President Trump, jumped at the chance of banning President Trump from twitter. When the twitter teams under Roth could not find any wrong doing by President Trump the FBI stepped in to put pressure on twitter to do so. Eventually President Trump was banned from twitter.

If you think the censorship pressure from the government was just about Hunter Biden and President Trump, think again. Right after President Trump was banned the the trust and safety team was eager to jump on the Sars Covid 2 misinformation, disinformation censorship train. Eleven thousand accounts were suspended and 100,000 pieces of information was removed because of misinformation. Where do you think a lot of the names and data came from, the federal government. The FBI paid twitter $3.5 million to do it’s censor dirty work. Over a dozen former FBI personal worked at twitter before Elon bought the company in the trust and safety divisions. Things that make you go HHMMMM!

Here is my take. We are just scratching the surface with government interference in everything. This is just the twitter files, what about facebook, Instagram and every other social media company the government could get it’s slimy hands into to censor. Let’s throw in the news media. Look up those Sars Covid 2 news casts. It starts with one news cast spouting it’s Covid 19 lies, then two news casts, then 3, 4,5,6,7, all the way up to like 30 news casts all on one screen saying the EXACT same thing. Here’s your propaganda folks courtesy of the U.S. government. Look up Operation Mockingbird, real or conspiracy theory, you judge!! The last three years or so the conspiracy theorists are 17-0.