The 2020 Election

The 2020 Election is just about 7 months away. It is going to be f#$%ed up to say the least. The best economy this country has ever seen!! Lowest unemployment ever!! All gone because of the corona virus, Wuhan flu, covid 19, Kung flu, whatever you want to call it. Fear by the media and politicians seems to perpetuate the situation.

President Trump has been under attack by the Democrats and the media even before he took office. Every attempt to discredit him or administration has come up empty, on fact less information, hearsay and lies. Russia died! Mueller report died! Impeachment died! Along comes the Wuhan flu, covid 19. One of the past proven methods of removing a President from office is to have an economy tank, because the voters suffer. I have done previous blogs about my thoughts on this virus.

Just two days ago, on a morning radio show, the commentary talked about how most of the false disinformation and outright lies about the covid 19 flu come right from the politicians and celebrities. This study was from “the” Oxford University. A former Obama advisor said in the past, not to let a good crisis go to waste. The Democrats have tried to add things unrelated to the corona virus to the first Cares Act bill. One in fact was, mail in ballots for all Americans.

One thing not reported in the U.S. is the fact that Sweden never shut down, Singapore never shut down. Their covid 19 deaths are no more or less than what is happening in the world at this point. It seems that the death rate is the same regardless of “flattening the curve

Ballot harvesting, also called vote harvesting, is the collecting and submitting of absentee or mail-in voter ballots by volunteers or workers. It occurs in some areas of the U.S. where voting by mail is common, but is illegal in some other states. An article I read today talked about how there are 28 million absentee votes out there ready to use by either party to suit their needs. A co-worker posted an article the other day from Stanford University that stated voter fraud doesn’t help either party. My first reaction, you are calling fraud OK!

So please tell me, our all knowing Congressional leaders, how can both sides claim, one there is no fraud and there is fraud. Democrats say there is no fraud and Republicans say there is fraud. The article I mentioned earlier with missing absentee votes is from the Federal Election Commission. So they know it happens and more than we actually are aware. You have had folks in Michigan and New Jersey arrested for voter fraud acts, in the last year.

Here is my take. The media is going to use corona virus as a fear tool to help the Democrats push for mail in voting. Death rates, infection rates as they are now will be hammered into anyone listening to the news. All of those people waiting in line to vote could wind up killing each other, we need to keep Americans safe. Democrats in Congress will say in the name of saving lives we need mail in voting. We just had the primary here in Ohio, the day I personally went to drop off our ballots, there were people in line to vote. Guess what, social distancing was in place. Bottom line we need to vote in person and we need to show ID to vote!