SarsCovid2 Cases On The Rise, Lockdowns On The Way?

This country has been going round and round with SarsCovid2, aka covid-19. The path we have taken has been a path of reaction not action. What exactly did the first shutdown accomplish, get the hospitals ready. What did we get, empty hospitals! The push has been to slow the virus, tell me again, how can you slow a virus? You can’t! SarsCovid19 is the seventh named coronavirus and we have been after a way to stop these other six viruses for 60 years. What have we stopped, none of them. The CDC guesses which one of these coronaviruses each year will rear it’s ugly head and that is the shot you can get.

The CDC estimated, ESTIMATED, 38 million Americans came down with the flu last year. 18 million sought some sort of care, 400,000 were hospitalized and 20,000 died! Let’s have a little perspective on that number 38 million. Flu season typically runs from October to March, so over the six month season 6,333,333 per month would be infected. I will give you a 30 day per month average, so that number is 211,111 per day who pick up the flu virus. Divide that number by 50 for each state and you get 4,222 per day per state with a fresh batch of the flu.

Here in Ohio, Governor DeWine has been coming on air about the number of cases of SarsCovid2 going up. We’ve been told, 8,000 a day, now 10,000 the next day. He doesn’t want to impose a lockdown but will, to get those numbers down. I have a question? What did you and your “experts” think was going to happen when we hit the end of September! In comes flu season! All hell was going to break loose and low and behold it did! I did research for four hours regarding this virus in January and the things the CDC said about SarsCovid19 then still hold true today. We know who it affects and who is vulnerable, yet you and your experts continue to throw everyone in one bucket. Mental illness is up, suicides are up, no experts for that? 98% of the people that contract SarsCovid2 recover. Every death that has happened is horrible. We had an opportunity with hydroxychloroquine and zinc to save lives and just because President Trump “mentioned” it, the drug was demonized even though it has been used for about 60 years and side affects known. Could it be nobody was going to make any money because it is cheap?

Here is my take, cases up everyday and we get threatened with a shutdown! You threaten the bars and gyms for a shutdown even though you blame the public at large for the “new” outbreak not the bars and gyms. As I said earlier, It’s flu season, duh! Since when in the history of “government” has the government controlled anything. Hell you can’t control spending and debt, let’s throw a pandemic at you. “I have total confidence, not!” This pandemic has put in clear light how shortsighted government runs. Your advisers have no forethought or critical thinking. Let’s go on T.V. and talk about the numbers and you want to stop the spread of something you can’t control. Insanity, defined as; doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Isn’t it about the Constitution, isn’t that why we are all still here? I am fully able to make my own conclusions regarding this virus, which I did back in January. I and many able bodied citizens in this state can make their own as well. We just need truthful honest information to do it. As someone who voted for you our input wasn’t even asked for, we didn’t get a choice, none of us did. In closing we had an opportunity from May to August to just open everything up when cases were low and did not take advantage of that time, now we are in shutdown mode and families are not supposed to get together for Thanksgiving unless they bring their own plate and food, what a joke!