Democrats Picked A Side We Know Where They Stand

Biden said he would nominate a black woman to the high court, which he did. We just observed the nomination and conformation of Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court. During the conformation process we learned many things that showed us where the Democrats stand.

Two years ago Mitt Romney voted against her being a circuit court judge, as a Supreme Court nominee Senator Romney voted for Judge Jackson. Tell me what changed in her cases presided over that changed Mittens’ mind? Obviously we have RINO’s Senators Cheney and Murkowski that voted for Judge Jackson. No shocker all of the Democrats voted in favor of Judge Jackson.

Two key things came from these hearings. Point number one. Judge Jackson was asked to define a woman. After some, I don’t know what you mean. Some hemming and hawing lead to this response, I don’t know, I’m not a biologist! Point number two, Ted Cruz hammered her on her record on pedophile and child abuse cases as being very lax. Senator Cruz had a chart complete with the law requirements for said charge. What the prosecution was asking for said charge and finally what Judge Jackson decreed for the defendant. In all cases Judge Jackson’s decreed in the case fell way short of the basic law requirements. Judge Jackson even has a story where she feels bad for pedophiles and sees them as being persecuted by the rest of the population.

Here is my take. About five or six years ago I came across and article that talked about how the left was going to try and bring pedophilia mainstream and stop stigmatizing those that are pedophiles. What else is going on right now, the anti grooming bill in Florida, know by the leftists as don’t say gay bill. NAMBLA is real, what is it? North American Man Boy Lovers Association. I heard about it on a radio show about 15 years ago. Well guess what it’s in our face now and they have a champion in a Supreme Court Justice. The Democrats and their supporters just all said in one united voice we support pedophilia and child sexualization. This is absolutely disgusting. There is nothing in this world that can convince me that this behavior is normal and that we need to accept it. I sent a letter to my Democrat Senator stating my view. Now we know where they stand on this, it should be an easy fix come November. Don’t allow the leftists any room to normalize this behavior!

There Is Shrapnel Everywhere You Must Be Over The Target

So the title is in reference to WWII bomber pilots when they would drop their bombs. The media and talking heads these days are their loudest when anyone starts talking about anything that goes against the Left’s agenda. The name calling ensues, racist, misogynist homophobe….. you get the point.

The latest dropping bombs on the target. Florida bill 1557 the so called don’t say gay bill. The left is carrying on with reckless abandon how it is anti LGBT, can you say shrapnel!! I am just going to do some copy and paste here. CNN’s Brandon Tensley looked at this issue in his Race Deconstructed newsletter. He talked to the UC Berkeley philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler about how with both the “Parental Rights” and “Individual Freedom” bills, Republicans are tapping into parents fears. “There’s a fantasy going on that children are being indoctrinated,” Butler told CNN. “Parents and communities want to exercise forms of censorship to stop their children from knowing about how the world is being organized and how different people are living their lives.”

Twenty years ago would you have seen a drag queen in a library telling stories to kids? I have been to a couple of drag shows, I was an adult! The news is full of how the world is against LGBT folks. They are not celebrated or embraced, the world tries to humiliate and demean them which could cause self harm or possibly suicide. What group or bunch of people in this world aren’t persecuted, demeaned or bullied?

Here is my take. Point one. I read bill 1557 end to end, it is seven pages!! Anyone could have read this in two minutes. Did anyone, I think not. The bill protects students from indoctrination. I don’t care that you are gay, I don’t care if you are transgender and I don’t care if you are just a spirit, good for you. When did Caitlin Jenner figure out that she wanted to be a woman, as an adult. What good decisions have anyone of us made as a kid that turned out to be the best thing we ever did? I collected sponges at one point, did that make me a sponge? A month or two later I was collecting rocks, did it make me an anthropologist, no. When did I fully figure out who I was, I was in my mid thirties!! Now I understand we are not all the same, but what five year old needs to hear about trans and gay folks, none of them. Those five year old’s need to be playing in the mud and learning how to count, not how I feel better identifying as a woman. Being a kid, just a kid is hard enough without being told two men together touching each other’s penis is OK.

Teachers, lobbyists and anti children people please just read the bill. Nowhere in the bill does it say, don’t say gay. Obviously you don’t have the intelligence to do your own research, you are so willing to throw yourself on a grenade for your cause you could care less for the education of the kids. My parent teacher days consisted of here is what the kids are going to learn, not I am gay and married and I support all trans folks. Your business is your business. When any kid is in school it is about education not indoctrination

We Want The Truth Where Do We Find It

A couple of posts ago I asked how big is the Russia, Ukraine my assessment was a bit off. Kind of begs the question, why was my assessment off? Two words, the media. How is it possible that videos and pictures put out by the media are debunked as fake or repurposed? The lady with the bloody face and bandage around her head, current Ukraine war victim, explosion victim from Germany in 2015. A war torn video of some Ukrainian city put side by side of a war torn Lebanese city, matches frame for frame.

Remember the Hunter Biden laptop? I do, President Trump called it the laptop from hell. The media called it Russian disinformation. Fifty former and current intelligence agency personnel all signed off on a document stating it was Russian disinformation. All of this right before the election. Here we are almost a year and a half later and the NY Post comes out and says the laptop is real. Deep in the article was the actual statement by the 50 intelligence folks, I believe it said they thought is was Russian disinformation. They didn’t call it actual disinformation, a few words make the difference.

The so called vaccine, we really shouldn’t need to go into this but here we are. There are still Pfizer commercials promoting the vaccine on T.V. How many people know there are just about 1300 potential side affects from the so called vaccine? Pfizer wanted to hold all of their information from their trials for 75 years before releasing them. World class athletes are dropping dead every day, a seven year old had a heart attack. The MSM did not cover any of these topics.

Here is my take. The truth is out there!! Right now you have to dig to find it, you can’t spend 2 or 3 minutes on a topic you want to investigate. The layers you may have to go thru will take some time. Look at and read 5, 6 or 7 articles and do some cross referencing. If someone gives you their opinion research it! The government by the Constitution is supposed to keep and record EVERYTHING. go there and you can see any pending bill that is coming down the pike. Freedom of Information Act gives you the ability to access mounds of government activity. This one takes some time and persistence, the government does not really want to give up information. Facebook and Twitter are censoring people left and right. They use algorithms to suppress stories so the public at large can not access the truth easily. The MSM literally has no credibility at this point. They went from the government watchdog to government lapdog. Turn the news off if you want the truth. I haven’t watched the news since the late 1990’s.

Is The President Really In Charge Of The Military?

As things are unfolding in Ukraine there is one thing that is beginning to stand out to my untrained eye. Is Joe Biden in charge of the military as Commander In Chief? With as serious as the media and Congress are talking about the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, you would think the U.S. military would have a presence. Come on we have been the world police for well over 30 years now.

The War Powers Act, passed in 1973 is a federal law intended to check the Presidents power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the Congress. Come to find out the Korea War, never declared, it was a joint resolution between the President and Congress called a “police action”. The Vietnam War was never declared as well. Military action happened as a result of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The last time war was declared was June 5, 1942, when the U.S. declared war on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania. Since then, the US has used the term “authorization to use military force,” as in the case against Iraq in 2003. (AUMF)

Some other strange cases, Ukraine has asked for air support. The U.S. has offered aid but no military personal. Poland has MIG fighters they said Ukraine could have but would not fly them personally to Ukraine. They flew them to Rammstein Air Force Base in Germany for the United States to fly to Ukraine, weird. As part of NATO an attack on one nation is an attack against all, so who really cares who flies the planes into Ukraine under that directive. The Biden administration has been almost begging any ally to bring force to Ukraine in the name of democracy. None of the NATO allies has been willing to go in to defend.

Here is my take. As soon as Biden took office there was scuttlebutt that he did not get the nuclear football. As warmongering as the United States has been thru its existence, the fact that Biden and Congress has been all about sanctions and no action, surprises me. Come on there is 2016 video of Lindsay Graham and John McCain in Ukraine telling the Ukrainian military they will receive all the support from the United States and they will win. The Democrats have the majority and plenty of RINO support, wouldn’t you be saving democracy, send the troops in. Bring the full might of the United States military against a so called unprepared Russian army. The Ukrainian resistance is supposedly holding it’s own against the Russians. Wouldn’t this end this conflict quickly? What are you afraid of? You folks in Congress and previous Presidents have had no issues sending Americans to die overseas for years. Putin is rattling his saber and you are telling me the best we can do is sanction Russia and sanction them a little more? So Biden are you really in charge of the military?

One Of The Most Stupid Words In The Dictionary, War

Now I am guessing most people would say this is a very stupid title for a blog post. That being said what good ever comes out of war? Loss of life? A lost civilization? A lost culture? Definition from Webster’s, war: to be in conflict, to engage in warfare. Someone wins and someone loses.

Some quick research and you will find that “Standing” far outweighs even any religious war in the history of wars. Standing you ask, let’s ask the dictionary again . Standing: remaining at the same level or amount for an indefinite period, permanent. This makes me think of the Roman empire, overextended from Great Britain to Turkey, countless attacks from the Germanic tribes on the fringe of their territory. What did the Romans do? Welcome the so called savages into the fold, complete with what we would now call welfare. What happened to Rome, sacked and burned!

I read another article from a psychology professor that said humans lean to violence and war. The only thing that saves humanity from completely dismantling itself is that the western world is able to give it’s citizens/ humans an outlet of doing what they want to keep those pesky war instinct genes at bay. If you live in the third world this guy gives you no chance of not being in a war that would take your life.

Here is my take. War sucks! As I daily inch my way to death I appreciate every bit of life around me more and more. Human, plant and animal, senseless death always gives me pause. You want to know the kicker, I hunt. God gave me /us the ability to sustain our lives within our environment. In our so called enlightenment in the 21st century our leaders are more concerned with standing and prestige rather than us plebs. Here we are, Russia, Ukraine 2022, the media calls it war, yet you have a reporter in full military gear and the camera man in shorts and t-shirt Hmmmm! Pictures reported of the Russian military blowing up whatever building and the picture or video is from a 2015 warehouse explosion. You see a video of Russian warplanes flying overhead in Ukraine, yet the actual video is from an actual sort of July 4th Russian celebration. We have a local airport in my area, every 4th of July there are WWII era planes that fly very low over the house. So please tell me what is exactly happening? How could I come across the same “fake” video from 3 or 4 sources. The fake media seems full bent on reporting Ukraine when two weeks ago Sars Covid 2 started to bite the dust. Something smells funny, I just don’t know what it is.

Russia And Ukraine How Big Is It?

With the pandemic failing at all levels the media needs another scare tactic to prop up the ratings. Well bring on Russia and Ukraine. It, cough, cough, was a big deal back in 2012 and went away. It only started to resurface once President Trump was elected. Remember the Democrats tried to impeach him over a phone call to the President of Ukraine.

Here is the deal. Putin has some 100,000 troops near the Ukraine border doing “exercises”. Belarus and Russia have joint exercises upcoming and may already be taking place. A few weeks ago the State Department came out and said there was credible information that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. Thankfully one journalist had the guts to ask to see the credible information. The State Department representative only stated repeatedly he just gave the reporter the information.

The Biden administration was telling Americans to get out of Ukraine. They did not provide any support in this endeavor other than find a commercial outlet to leave. To put the icing on the cake if Americans were to leave the “warzone” in Ukraine, they had to show proof of vaccination at the Polish border. I don’t want to digress but the rules are a bit different at the southern border, aren’t they.

As much as the Biden administration has been pushing immanent war between Russia and Ukraine, the rest of the world has been let’s talk about this. French President Macron went to Russia to talk with Vladimir Putin, he was there less than a day, Putin basically said hello from the other end of a 30ft table. President Zelensky of Ukraine said nothing was going on. Even after all of this nonsense, the Biden administration is still pushing Russia is going to invade Ukraine. Let’s make it worse for Biden. President Zelensky finally came out and said Russia was going to invade on February 16th, he is a former comedian. The Russian State Department literally came out and asked the US State Department on what days they were apparently going to invade Ukraine so their diplomats could schedule their vacations. Not a joke actual twitter feed!

Here is my take. The Biden administration is so desperate to distract the American population from his massive failures they are attempting to start a foreign war. Obviously nobody is buying this b.s. The only thing for Biden to gain out of these two countries fighting is maybe, just maybe, all of the information relating to the total U.S. corruption involved in Ukraine would be destroyed. Why would Putin want to take over a country with massive debt and massive corruption. He has enough corruption of his own to deal with, the Russian mob inhibits growth of Russian GDP. Putin is no dummy, he is former KGB, Biden is as dumb as a box of rocks, even his handlers couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. This stupid idiotic tactic by our government just further diminishes our once shining standing in the foreign community.

The Pressure Is On People Are Pushing Back

We have all been living thru this plan… I mean pandemic for two years now. In 2019/2020 we were demanded to follow the science. Hell in 2022 the media still demands you follow the science. The key is we now know have a years worth of data that is actual science not just chosen specialists spouting propaganda.

What we know now. Masks don’t work. Social distancing doesn’t work. Lockdowns don’t work. The jab is totally ineffective as an inoculation against Sars Covid 2. Inoculate: to introduce a serum or antibody into (an organism) to treat or prevent a disease. What has this jab done to treat or prevent Sars Covid 2. It went from 95% effective to it can’t stop the anything related to Sars Covid 2, yet they still want us to take the “vaccine”.

God bless the people of Canada. The truckers there have started a movement fighting the mandates. In the beginning it was just about the mandates for the Canadian truckers and has grown into this world wide anti mandate protest. As I write this the truckers are already in Ottawa with the protest. Trudeau is in hiding with “covid” like a coward while his citizens are protesting on his doorstep demanding he drop all mandates.

Trucker protests have started in the United States, Australia, Holland and New Zealand. Other protests in Italy, France and Germany are a daily occurrence at this point. Germany had over 1000 protests in the same day. Dan Bongino has said repeatedly, that once people realize we are more than 51% of the so called fringe or anti vaxx the tide will turn.

Here is my take. We have been repeatedly beaten down for over two years in the name of science. Science is ultimately going to be the downfall of the heretics and liars. How and when the justice comes calling is another story, we can only hope it is equal to the lies spouted by the left. We have already seen a mass exodus of leftists from media , technology and government. Shit is going to hit the fan, they know it, death is in the air. That is why they fight. Shine the light on them and watch them scurry!

If You Think Our Representatives Are Looking Out For Our Best Interests….

If you are like me ever since I hit my twenties, some 33 years ago I learned that all of these Senators and Representatives that I have voted for over the years don’t care about us. You know , middle class Americans, the little guy. For years my representation in Washington D.C. has slowly been eroding my Constitutional rights in favor of their own gain at my expense.

Had all of these sellouts followed the Constitution and kept the government small and in control. Had they followed the simple edict by the people for the people. Had they had any semblance of a spine or morals the United States of America would not be in the situation it is in today.

Patriotism: one who loves his or her country. These so called representatives of ours spout how they love our country every two years or six years. If one party or the other is in control they bash the other party and talk of how the threat to Democracy is in the minority party. Let’s remind everyone, the United States is a Constitutional Republic. A pure democracy would be a form of government in which the leaders, while elected by the people, are not constrained by a constitution as to its actions. In a republic, however, elected officials cannot take away or violate certain rights of the people.

Congress is privy to lots of classified information depending on the committee they sit on and they all have been taking advantage of this for decades. Nancy Pelosi bought stock in Tesla days before Joe Biden announced all government vehicles were going electric. There are literally people watching what the Pelosi family does regarding stock purchases now. Majorie Taylor Greene bought stock in one of the drug companies producing the cough, cough, vaccines. Here is the key if you heard Dan Crenshaw speak in the last week or so you will get the gist. Representative Crenshaw, from Texas, former navy seal and Republican defended Nancy Pelosi’s no comment on insider trading. His defense was that I have to have two properties in Washington D.C. to do my job. My salary is not that much. In 2012 Congress passed an insider trading law against themselves, the fine, $200 dollars. Yet they don’t report against themselves, Democrat or Republican.

Here is my take. I thought about investing in Pfizer and Moderna at the beginning of the pandemic. Slam dunk investment, guess what, I didn’t do it! I have morals. I have been against the shot from the get go. The fact that Congress as a whole takes advantage of their position in government proves they can’t be trusted with our tax dollars. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. They aren’t spending their money, they are spending our tax money. The simple fact that Crenshaw can defend insider trading tells you how far and how corrupt Washington D.C. is, they do nothing for the people, it is for themselves. Remember the government sent Martha Stewart to jail for insider trading. What job skills do you have to contribute to society? Lying, cheating and stealing, in the name of serving your country. According to the Constitution, Congress only need to convene twice a year. Pretty much that tells you the founders never intended the government to be a full time job, hence the swamp.

The Truth Is Coming Out Yet People Don’t Know

How many of us are paying attention? How many of us realize the reality of what is going on? Probably not as many as you would think. It seems the recent admissions of the FDA and CDC have not seem to have had any impact on those who are not paying attention.

Three weeks ago the CDC director Walensky came out and said that cloth masks don’t work. Where was the outrage from the public, non existent! The media didn’t cover it and why would they, they are part of the problem. News, pertinent life changing news, not covered to inform the public. The big push to keep masks on kids and keep them from school was the big story.

The FDA, what a sad state of affairs. The “vaccine” is the only way. The “vaccine” is 95% effective. The “vaccine” is 75% effective. The “vaccine” will prevent you from going to the hospital. The “vaccine” does not stop the transmission of Sars Covid 2. The “vaccine” is still your best bet to make it thru this pandemic.

The VAERS system which anyone can report to, individuals, doctors and health care providers after one year of this so called “vaccine” has a less than a 1% reporting to the system. I would guess that all of the available doctors and health care providers would make up 100% reporting if they did. Right now we have over 22,000 deaths with less than a 1% reporting, so are you telling me we have 2.2 million deaths from the “vaccine”? Hell the media had a rolling Sars Covid 2 death count from the start of the pandemic, why not a VAERS report count.

Here is my take. The media has conditioned the public at large to believe Sars Covid 2 and whatever variant they are pushing is going to kill them. Omicron is crumbling the pandemic yet folks going to the hospital are saying, “at least I was vaccinated.” My seven year old son had a heart attack, thank God he was vaccinated. The critical thinking is out the window, your mask has you breathing more carbon dioxide than oxygen, you are not functioning at full capacity. The brain uses 25% of the oxygen you breath, Hypoxia is a function of the brain using less oxygen. At you will find a current study that basically admits that wearing a mask and doing some kind of exertion can bring on a mild case of Hypoxia. They want to do more study. My 6th grade self knew that more oxygen is good, less is bad! The CDC is stating there have been 75,755,829 cases of Sars Covid 2 in the United States and the media had no problem listing these growing numbers at the bottom left of their news casts for well over a year. If you look there are well over 1 million adverse reactions to the “vaccine” where is that counter at the bottom left of the screen? Wait we wouldn’t want to scare the public into not taking the “vaccine”. For two years now the so called conspiracy theories have been coming true like a line of dominos slowly falling one after another. I only hope the truth catches up at a faster pace!

Omicron Is Changing The Pandemic Narrative Quickly

The Omicron variant was first discovered November 14th 2020 in South Africa. The first case discovered in the United States was November 26th. Let’s contrast that with the first case of Sars Covid 2 on November 17th in Wuhan, China 2019. The first reported case of Sars Covid 2 in the United States was January 26th, 2020. So I believe the next day there was a case of Omicron in France. So as we know the PCR test is ineffective and can’t tell you if it is the cold or Sars Covid 2. To this date I still haven’t heard how they know the difference between the original, Delta and now Omicron.

As this whole “pandemic” has shown us the fear mongering via the media has pushed the narrative for the last two years. The CDC has never isolated Sars Covid 2. It is on their website, if you do some digging. The media keeps shouting trust the science but the so called experts never back up what they are saying with evidence! Their evidence is listen to what I say and do what I say! Fauci has even said he “is” science!! Science, defined as: knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method. Scientific method, defined as: the rules and methods for the pursuit of knowledge involving the finding and stating of a problem, the collection of facts through observation and experiment, and the making and testing of ideas that need to be proven right or wrong. Anyone that has a contradicting opinion is immediately called a conspiracy theorist and even racist, how cute for a scientific debate!

Omicron spreads like wildfire. Cases everywhere are up around 1000%.The media here in the United States, fear mongering, as usual, hospitals are overrun! People are going to die, the sky is falling! Get tested, get the “vaccine”! This is the only way to get protected, this is the only way forward! Nobody seemed to listen to South Africa or care what they said about Omicron. Cases are up, hospitalizations are not, symptoms are that of the common cold. Our cases are running 98.3% Omicron and apparently it destroys Delta.

Here is my take. Since Omicron was discovered so has the media and government coverage. New York wants to specify how cases are reported. Up to now hospitals reported a heart attack death as a Sars Covid 2 death if the person was tested after the fact for Sars Covid 2 and was positive. New York wants to know if a person is in the hospital with Sars Covid 2 or because of Sars Covid 2. Case numbers apparently don’t matter anymore! The CDC said that masks don’t work, your cloth mask is ineffective at stopping the spread of Sars Covid 2. What, weren’t masks an effective way of limiting the transmission? We are also now told to stay home unless it is an emergency! If you have the sniffles stay home, it may be Sars Covid 2, Omicron but we need the hospital space for those that need the beds. Go get a test somewhere other than a hospital! Common sense, we haven’t used common sense in two years. Jake Tapper over at CNN even echoed how we need to determine cases more specific than just everything is a Sars Covid 2 case. The left acknowledging what any one of us with a brain has been saying from the start of the “pandemic”. The narrative is crumbling before our eyes. The soothsayers doom and gloom from the beginning is old, outdated, unreliable, untruthful and dying! The truth is replacing opinion, facts over lies and knowledge over propaganda. They are losing the battle and know it. How they try and save face is what we are witnessing now.