Open Mouth And Insert Foot You Fool

The latest police shooting involving a white officer and this time 16 year old African-American girl is making the rounds throughout the media. Of course the main theme is racism, why not, Sars-Covid2 deaths are down, can’t talk about the southern border, Kamala is handling it……..

The officer rolls up on the scene to a girl pinned against a car and another girl ready to swing a knife to the girl against the car. After jumping out of the car he has an opportunity to yell a few hey, hey, hey and then make a decision. He chose to shoot the girl with the knife, game over, girl dead. Almost on the same day two girls aged 13 engaged in the same struggle here in Cincinnati, one being stabbed with a knife both African-American and no police to engage. The one 13 year old died in her father’s arms.

The propagandist media, let’s just call it what it is, jumped on this story, like Acosta jumping on a Trump story. Racism, racism, racism, followed by police reform. The usual rolled out talking heads with the big talking points, blah, blah, blah! There was no coverage of the two girls from Cincinnati. Let’s not forget everyone’s favorite NBA superstar LeBron James adding his high school diploma knowledge to the mix. Well it is true, I as well, only have a high school diploma. I apparently have one thing LeBron doesn’t have, cognitive reasoning. I guess a better way to put it is I don’t have foot in mouth disease!

Our pal LeBron decided to post in the aftermath of this latest shooting, a picture of the officer along with the hashtag YOUR NEXT! Please tell me what that means to you? It seems pretty apparent to me what it means! Hopefully one of my 50 million twitter followers will take you out. One of ESPN’s resident asshats, Max Kellerman even came out in defense of the tweet. The defense was LeBron meant this officer was going to be next to go to jail. Max even went so far as to call anyone who disagreed with his esteemed opinion, uneducated with a low IQ. If you were a politician trying to use it for a story, you are corrupt and on the take.

Here is my take. First Max Kellerman’s opinion literally means nothing, it would take an idiot not to see the meaning in LeBron’s tweet. You must be an NBA suck up narrow minded twit! Oh wait, you were once fired by ESPN for an egomaniacal urge to get paid for more than you were worth. Remember you were the original host of Around the Horn!! LeBron, obviously you have read one too many first pages of many books. Your big claim to fame of being a big reader of books and you have the Instagram posts to prove it, one page one book at a time! If you would have taken the time to read the whole book you would know once you finish the book you would get the full story! Since you basically look at the cover to get your information you had to remove a tweet because you didn’t have the full story, you fool! Now you may have given an excuse as to the deletion of your tweet! but once a fool, always a fool! So Mr. Educated Man you may need to go to college to finish your education on how the world actually works!