Mid Term Let Down Or Were We Duped Again?

So I was the most excited I have ever been for a mid term election. After two years of Biden record inflation, patriot incarceration, printing money, Ukraine. The red tsunami seemed well on it’s way. The media even picked up on it and ran with it. Democrats are in trouble, the Republicans are going to win all of these races. Why would the leftist media push the red wave?

Well guess what, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Early Wednesday morning I turned on the MSM only to find out there was no red wave. That was my first mistake! My heart sank and I felt kind of crushed!! What happened? We knew there was going to be cheating. Our job was to come out en masse and overwhelm the system. That happened, 6 million more Republican votes than Democrat votes.

Even as I write this, Arizona and Nevada are still counting votes. Election week it is in full effect. What could go wrong. Didn’t we already do this? As it goes the last five days “Arizona” will release a batch of votes to be counted. If it rolls in favor of Kari Lake the next batch will roll in favor of Katie Hobbs. They know the percentages per county before they release them. Everything left is more or less around 70% for Kari Lake, it is being dragged out by the local government and the media.

President Trump endorsed somewhere around 235 people for this mid term election. His record was 219 wins and 16 losses. So 203 people won via his endorsement, that is huge!! The media for what ever reason totted this as a fail on President Trumps’ resume. And just like that the so called experts and media turned on President Trump yet again!! The media rolled out some RINO Republicans saying it is time to move on from Trump. Look at his record in this mid term. No red wave, he didn’t deliver.

Here is my take. I fell for the media and the Republicans own hype of this election. There were projections of the Senate with a 51 to 49 Republican advantage out there and my heart ignored them. I was hoping for 60 seats in the Senate. It was a set up again by the swamp and the media to drag the MAGA movement down. The Republican National Committee and Mitch McConnell’s own PAC both denied winnable campaigns, funds for the conservative cause. What does that tell you, they are still afraid of President Trump and don’t want any America First candidates in government. They would rather support Biden and his left wing agenda to keep their spot or power over helping the American people. You had me for 24 hours. Try again losers!!!!