Liar, Liar Pants On Fire

Since I started writing in early 2019 I have made it a point not to take my own political beliefs and project them in my articles. Unfortunately as the months and articles passed by my own political leanings did shine thru. Not that I wanted them to, the research lead me to to the views I already accepted. To the point.

I follow various people on multiple social media platforms for different views on issues. I try to be well rounded and keep an open mind. Earlier last week President Trump tweeted something about the election fraud. The first response I saw at that moment was from Andrew Zimmern which said there were eight more lies the President can add to his list. Those were not the exact words but you get the gist.

What is a lie? To speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive. to express what is false; convey a false impression. There you go a definition. I have questions about Andrew Zimmern’s response. How did Andrew know everything in President Trump’s tweet was a lie? Did he do any research before his response? I saw no corroborating evidence to back up his claims. So right then it looks like unsubstantiated claims on Mr. Zimmern’s part.

Here is my take. In instances of someone lying to you, you know a lie when what is said, is said to your face and the opposite happens. Boom there is your proof. When it comes people you don’t have direct contact with you need to take what is said and make your determination after the facts present themselves. I have two examples for you. In 1988 then candidate George Bush famously said, “Read my lips, no more new taxes!” A couple of months as President, we got new taxes. Hence a lie!! The second is when President Obama told the American people that, “If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan.” in regards to the Affordable Care Act. Two and a half to 5 million people lost their health coverage after the ACA was passed into law. Also a lie. Yes you can post your opinion, everyone does it now, without knowing the actual truth. Russian collusion was pushed down our throats for years before the Mueller Report came out and said no collusion. News anymore is just accusations thrown around to achieve an end result, not a reporting of facts. We need to move beyond you are a liar claims, we did this as kids. Liar, liar, pants on fire!!