Impeachment inquiry

September 24th started the impeachment inquiry, it is now December 1st. Let me say it again, impeachment inquiry, not actual impeachment. It started with Adam Schiff’s parody phone call between President Donald Trump and the new President of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zerensky. During that “parody” Adam Schiff said this is how I see the phone call going. So this craptastic show could go on for months.

Adam Schiff chose all of the witnesses. He chose who would speak to them and what questions to ask. When he did allow witnesses to be asked questions, the gavel came out. More disturbing was the fact he would turn off microphones of Republicans who wanted to ask questions. Due process was throw out the window and a kangaroo court ensued. When cross examination did finally happen, all of the witnesses testimony came down to hearsay. We heard things like, “I thought,” “I felt,” ” He said,” “She said,” Tell me where is the “evidence.” I read the transcript, I did not find any quid pro quo.

So only one other President has had an impeachment inquiry to deal with, President Nixon, he resigned before Congress came down on him. In 243 years and 45 Presidents this is the second time in our history an inquiry has happened. Two Presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton. Neither was removed from office because you need the Senate to remove the President with a two thirds vote. Bottom line, the Democrats don’t have the votes in the Senate to remove Donald Trump from office.

All that being said, where does all of this get us, nowhere!! The last time I looked there were 706 pending bills that needed to be debated on the House floor. It’s Washington D.C. being Washington D.C., all talk and no show!! How much time has been wasted? How much money has been wasted? No talk of the illegal immigrants, are they not there anymore? I guess they all went home, no T.V. coverage? The 16 billion missing from Baltimore, not talked about. Come on pick a hot topic of the last six months, they have all disappeared because of this inquiry.

Here is my take. The Democrats are all in on smearing Donald Trump, not about impeachment at all. The 2020 election is a year away and the writing on the wall is already there, they have no chance. President Trump has actually kept some of his campaign promises. Despite some of the elites hoping for a recession, it hasn’t happened. So a group of fully grown adults who don’t like the current President and don’t see some of their peers as the answer to the 2020 election, have turned to this craptastic show just to smear President Trump. Good luck and focus on your local elections!