How Odd And Strange Washington D.C. Is Right Now

Since Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20th the comings and goings of anything in Washington D.C. are out of wack. Joe was locked out of the White House because they fired the butler hours before. The Democrats promised to transform America if they won all three branches of government, as we know, they did and the transformation seems to be slow so far.

Our government is trying to impeach President Trump again, however he is not sitting behind the desk at the White House. He is a private citizen. Impeachment according to the Constitution happens if the actual President commits a crime. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the Senate. In this case Justice Roberts is not participating, which makes this impeachment Unconstitutional. It is still going forward and both sides are participating, why?

All of the monuments in Washington D.C. are usually lit up 24/7, the White House included. Since the inauguration it has been lights out? The Capital Building, the peoples house, not so much anymore. A fence was erected right after January 6th, now it is getting a permanent fence. The Capital a few days ago at 2AM, twenty or more vehicles lined up with people being checked in along with what looked like paddy wagons, strange.

Nothing but executive orders coming from the Presidential desk. Upwards of 40 in the first week. President Trump had one his first day, Biden had 17 his first day. He even asked at one point what am I signing? There has been speculation of him signing blank pieces of paper. His first executive orders killed 70,000 jobs and the response was you can get other jobs. That didn’t sound very Presidential and not even close to uniting this country. Hell even BLM tweeted out they felt used!!

Here is my take. Something stinks all the way to Denmark. I can’t put my finger on it. The new administration just seems hell bent on pissing everyone off including those that voted for him. Now I don’t go out of my way to listen to MSM at all. I haven’t heard any big speeches from Mr. Biden in regards to anything going on, just executive orders. Transition between President’s don’t usually go this way. I am perplexed and left seeking answers!