Here Is The One Thing We Can Do To Change The Direction Of The Country

I hope you recognize the fact we are under attack. You have the woke mob that wants to shove their ideology down your throat. If you refuse to kiss the boot of the woke mob cancel culture will silence you and try to destroy your livelihood. If you think the local D.A. and police will help you since you aren’t woke they might haul you off to jail and prosecute you as a criminal. Good luck asking you Representative or Senator for help they have no backbone and are more concerned with re-election and selling out the United States.

The Constitution is under attack everyday. How long have our “elected” officials wanted to get rid of or confiscate guns. Every time there is a mass shooting the zealots come out and scream from the rooftops that nobody needs a gun. Tell that to the 1929 Russians, 20 million were murdered. How about the Germans in and around 1938, 16 million Jews were murdered. Ask the 1949 Chinese, oh wait, 20 million were murdered again. How about something a little closer to home. In the aftermath of Katrina in 2005 guns were confiscated from everyone no matter if you were a criminal or law abiding citizen.

Let’s talk about the 1st Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This one should be fresh in the memory. Remember that pesky plandemic or how about the 2020 Presidential election? Weren’t people silenced because they said masks don’t work? What happened if you said Sars Covid 2 didn’t come from the wet market? The so called “vaccine” heaven forbid if you said it is a bioweapon. Just look at what is happening to President Trump, 4 indictments and counting. The latest indictment comes at him for questioning the 2020 election in Georgia. Democrats have been questioning elections since 2000. So tell me where are the indictments for Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters…. I could go on.

Here is my take. The Constitution is the lifeblood of this country. It is what makes us special, remember of the People, by the People!!! The Constitution sets the ground work for keeping the Government in check by the governed. We don’t serve them, they work for us and they seemed to have forgotten that. A couple quick thoughts. Cursive is not taught in school anymore and is the Constitution? The Constitution is written in cursive, think about that. When I first started writing and knew it was going to be political the first thing I did was get a copy of the Constitution. We all need to know the Constitution front to back. We can’t rely on the Government to uphold our rights given to us by God and the Constitution. We can’t leave it to the school system to teach our kids the Constitution. We have been asleep at the wheel for a long time. There are petty tyrants all around us that think they are above the Constitution or that the Constitution is an idea take a look at what just happened in New Mexico the Governor suspended the First and Second Amendments with an executive order. She took an oath to uphold the Constitution and here she is taking a dump right on it!! Why did she write the executive order? To combat gun violence!! She must be an idiot, she is a Democrat. I am sure there is no bail for criminals and it is a catch and release situation for the criminals as well. How many times do we have to hit these so called educated people over the head that criminals don’t obey laws and they never will. The Governor of New Mexico needs to be impeached posthaste!! Her and anyone of her ilk should not be in a position of having the privilege of any elected office. The Constitution is not ever suspended. Was it suspended during the Civil War? How about WW1? WW2? We need to hold any and all elected officials accountable to the Constitution and the only way we do that is to know the Constitution ourselves and make sure they know and hold the line on the Constitution. We can’t give an inch on this, we Americans need to make the time to learn and teach the Constitution other wise the shit show we have been living in the last three years will happen again!!!