Heaven Forbid If You Die And Think The “Wrong” Way

Rush Limbaugh died a couple of days ago from lung cancer. Conservative icon and long time radio host. A local radio host said today he single handedly save radio. Same host said Rush actually started out as a disk jockey. I never knew that information.

You would think people would be respectful, not so much. Twitter is just a hate filled cesspool of angry, self serving, self loathing, self important beings. Hashtag rest in piss was trending. How disgusting! Death comes for all of us, there is no escape. So tell me all you self important beings, when Death comes for you, how do you want to be remembered? Should we take screen shots of all your hate spewed posts and send them to your loved ones? Are you not a Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife to someone? Rush Limbaugh was! Ruth Bader Ginsberg was yet some of the people that supposedly loved her still found time to bash her death. “You should have retired under Obama!” ” You died a month early, you couldn’t have waited!” I saw these, they are real.

Does anyone remember Howard Stern? Do you know the Sirius XM guy or do you remember the FM guy? If you remember the FM guy your sense of what is taboo or controversial would send you under your Mom’s bed for security. Do yourself a favor and look it up, hence he is the original shock jock! The one thing that should stick out for anyone about Howard Stern is when his ratings would come in, the people that hated him would listen more than the people that actually liked him. Reason being, they wanted to hear what he would say next! Look it up, he has a movie, it is in there!!

Here is my take. I mourn the loss of anyone. It is a reminder of my time on this Earth is inching ever so slowly to the end. I am in my 50’s so Death could come calling at any point. That is OK, I have accepted it, I understand it. It makes me a better person, it makes me more understanding. It makes me take in that sunrise, accept the 8 inches of snow when only 3 inches were called. In closing to those that dumped on Rush Limbaugh at his death, I laugh at you! If you called him names, you listened. If you hashtag rest in piss you listened. Your emboldened hatred of a man you never knew only made him rich! He made millions off of your hate!! You made his spirit rich by your hate which enabled him to speak more freely. Congratulations that man will for ever will be remembered because of your hate!! Rest in Peace Rush Limbaugh.