Election 2020 How Important Is It

Well here we are one day from probably the most important election in my lifetime. I am not sure how most other folks feel but this one feels country changing. Regardless of your political affiliation I hope you feel the same way. I think we will see the largest turnout since 1902 and it may eclipse 1902!

My wife and I submitted our votes on Friday 10/30/2020. We live in a small town 20 miles outside of Cincinnati. We never see a line to vote and I have lived here for 11 years. The line snaked for two and a half blocks, amazing!! There was even drive thru voting!! Whomever you are voting for give yourself a high five because you are voting! Regardless on how you feel about President Trump he has gotten more people involved in the political process, which is good for the country!

Now I voted for President Trump in 2016, and I stand by that decision. My reason and sole reason for voting for Donald Trump was he would throw a monkey wrench in the system, which he did!! Washington D.C. has been running on steady as she goes for about 40 or 50 years. They screw us and they screw us! Every two or four years they show up and blow smoke up our collective asses to keep their job. By going out and voting we will keep the fire to the feet of those who say they represent us. It is slowly becoming more and more evident that our representatives need to represent us not, say what they think we want to hear. Your voice will be heard tomorrow!!

Here is my take. President Trump has delivered on promises. Tell me what President has delivered on campaign promises? None in my lifetime, they all have been empty!! For those in my generation, George Bush Sr. promised no new taxes, three months later, new taxes! This President has delivered! Who has delivered some sort of peace in the Middle East, there has been no peace in that area of the world in my lifetime. All achieved in his re-election year. Who moves forward in these peace talks regardless of his election status and what country would move forward with peace talks with a possibly a lame duck President? The economy, it could only go up from what happened in 2008 so and let me say it loud and proud, Former President Obama inherited a terrible economy, it had to go up from where it was. President Trump kept it going, made it stronger and staved off it’s usual down turns when things are going good. Our President has made his case for re-election very loud unlike any President before him!!