Debates Just Suck Unless You Yell And Scream Over Everyone

The second GOP debate just happened. What a disaster. The first debate was a disaster. Both debates were won by President Trump, who wasn’t there and there was no need for him to be at the Ronald Reagan library. You can’t even say much for the moderators.

Debate: To engage in argument or discussion, as in a legislative or public assembly. So if this is the definition of debate. The so called debates of the last 12 years or so, on both sides of the aisle, are no more than screaming matches to see who can yell the loudest. Hell even the moderators yell at the live audience and ask stupid questions. Last night one of the Fox moderators asked a question of “Who would you vote off the island right now.” So you want to put a supposed next President of the United States in front of the nation and ask that stupid question. What are we in high school? O’Doyle rules I guess!!! At this point why not put them all in a WWE ring and have them fight it out, over the top rope Battle Royal. You would get better ratings!!

The moderators weren’t up to the job either. Threats of turning off microphones did little to quell the yelling and interrupting. Hey I am all for the hard hitting questions but if you can’t get an answer out of the candidate and let them duck, who are you serving here? Definitely not those who may on the fence about any one candidate. Obviously the pundits and so called experts also weighed in on “toddler debate” number two. How could you pick a winner or a loser from yelling and interrupting. Here is one thing that caught my eye even before the cough, cough, debate happened, Fox dropped advertising rates even before it started!!!

Here is my take. This form of debate is D.O.A. We don’t need it, it doesn’t do any Americans any good to watch it. Scrap the format and move to something like this: You still have all of them on stage and treat it like in the House or Senate. Candidate walks up to podium, moderator asks a question, candidate gets three minutes to answer question. Nobody else has a microphone in front of them. Everyone else gets three minutes to rebut the candidates answer at the podium with the only microphone. You follow suit with each other candidate asking a different question for every candidate. It would put each and everyone of them on the spot at some point!!!