Could This Be The One Thing To Unite America

For years now every person in the United States of America has been broken down into a sub category of a sub category. Left wing, right wing, extremist. Black, white, native American. Gay, straight, other. We have been separated from what is the most exceptional thing of all, be an American. Thru the grace of God and the Constitution we have all been granted the opportunity to live our lives in the United States of America. There are people out there that don’t like it and want this country gone.

I have mentioned this before. Back in 2015 or so, I read an article on how the left was going to make pedophilia mainstream and normal. What has it been the last 6 to 9 months, 5 and 6 year old’s being taken to drag shows and given dollar bills to put in a g-string. Drag time reading to the kids at a library, subsidized by the local government. Schools pushing kids into transgenderism.

This Balenciaga thing is sick and disgusting. Sexualizing kids in the name of clothing sales doesn’t speak of clothing sales but something more sinister. The further you dive into this company you will find some some serious ass Satanic shit. You need to look this stuff up. Kids in red shoes. The open window. Everything in that photo shoot has an evil meaning and just look at the eyes of the little girl, something is not right. Hell even Glen Beck was quoting Scripture and linking the Bal in Balenciaga to Baal the Satanic God of sacrifice. Good God do your own research, don’t believe a word I am saying!

Here is my take. The fact that the elite class in this country, Hollywood and the rich, has remained absolutely silent on this issue, speaks volumes! Where is Kim? Paris? Johnny? Brad? Leonardo? George? All of you can get in our face and call us racist!! Tell me who to vote for and how much we need to save the environment!! Yet when it comes to what is actual and potential child abuse and Lord help us child sacrifice, nothing, crickets. Screw you and your movies and your voice. All of you should be screaming from the hills of Malibu. Since you are silent and a lot of the public at large is just learning of this evil. All you are going to do is wake this country up. Who wants to see and hear of kids being abused. This will do nothing but dissolve those divisions between us. Left wing, right wing and independent with a single focus on saving the kids. We will need Faith and perseverance. We The People, together, Americans!!!!