Abortion bills

Folks this is going to be tough. Trying to wrap my head around this is taxing.

Let’s start with my experience. I have had the unfortunate time, twice to be involved with abortions. The first I was young and had no clue what to do. I was afraid to make a statement, have an opinion or do anything lucid. I basically left it up to my girlfriend at the time to make the decision. The decision was to abort. I was told by a friend” She would hate you for the rest of your life!!” The second time I was engaged to be married. Having been thru the first one, I was totally against it. One of the reasons was during the first one, I was in the room when it happened. It is not very pleasant, ugly to say the least. Anyway my fiance was not ready to be a mother, done deal, her choice.

So after the first abortion, I felt horrible, like I was going to pay dearly for my non decision. Being a redhead at least back then, everywhere I went for at least six months I would see little redhead girls everywhere I went. When I could finally forgive myself, I was able to move on. I wound up marrying this girlfriend 28 years later. My now ex-fiance, we are facebook friends and she never became a mother.

Moving on, we now have states allowing abortion to the day of birth, nine months! It is still hard to wrap the mind around. There are provisions regarding if the baby survives, do you give birth and then do the deal? What is next “aborting” your baby at one, two or three years old?

So in the 15 minutes since I finished the last paragraph my wife and I had a great discussion about this topic. Our perspective is basically, don’t spread your legs and make sure you wear a condom. As soon as you give up those choices, you loose the ability to abort. . Life is about making choices, life is the ultimate choice. Once you become pregnant it is not so much your body anymore, you share it and it took two of you to get to this point.

As my wife and I were talking, planned parenthood should be there to provide women with protection. Birth control not abortions. What planned parenthood does provide is abortions over birth control.

I usually end with “here is my take”, this topic goes way further than my take. I read an article recently that said aborted babies are not humans because they can’t think for themselves and aren’t capable of cognizant thought. You take any animal in the known universe and try to extinguish it what will happen? It will fight, for survival, for it’s right to be alive in this universe!! I can’t imagine a doctor looking at 9 pound 6 ounce baby whomever and saying goodbye forever!