There is no easy way to say it. We have been asleep at the wheel for a long time. Some of us are awake and some are not. There will be some who will never be awake. No I am not crazy, just using my brain. If you look out at the world, what do you see? War. Attacks on the Constitution. Massive illegal immigration. Attacks on childhood. There seems to be an all out war on America and American values.
The United States of America, founded on the principles of God and the Bible, written into the Constitution seems to have lost it’s direction, it’s purpose and foundation. Rights granted to us by God and then the Constitution have been polluted, denigrated and ground down to dust by the very institutions the Constitution gave birth to. Here in 2024 the very existence of the Constitution could very well send some people into a tizzy of unknown proportions.
In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev said in a speech we will take America without firing a shot. The pledge of allegiance is not recited in school. In 1996 Hillary Clinton declared it takes a village to raise a child. In 2001 we had the no kid left behind act. Now we have what started as gay acceptance has morphed into trans acceptance and how dare you say anything about it transphobe!!!!!
Here is my take. Everything American has been infiltrated as a means to an end for everyone but Americans. We have been doing the hard work from the founding of this nation. Nefarious actors always looking to exploit anyone for their own gain have been doing it for years in this country. We have been dumbed down so much since the 50’s most 20 year old’s can’t tell you all 50 states. Ask what countries border our north and south, you will get two states in our own country. How many billions of dollars have been spent to not leave any kid behind, yet they all seem to have been left behind. Everyone gets a participation trophy. Ask someone under 30 what is the First Amendment? What is the Second Amendment? We are told what to believe, think and how to act. How is that free? In 2020 we heard in the name of public safety shoved down our throats. Nobody in government has been preaching critical thinking. As President Reagan said, “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” The 9 most terrifying words in the English language.
As a send off to here is my take. The system has dumbed down everyone so much even the one’s currently in charge of bringing down the United States have no imagination. Everything they did 40 years ago to take down their opponents isn’t working. Thirty, 20, or 10 years ago, you could sling some bullshit story to the media and let’s say Herman Cain would go away. How do you neuter a Presidential candidate ask Mitt Romney. Once President Trump presents anything against him, if you are looking, you see how dumb these people are, very fucking dumb!!