What Just Happened To Congress This Week

So the year end pork filled bill that came up for a vote was shot down. What started with a dissemination of details of the bill from Vivek and Elon turned into a public relations nightmare for Congress.

This wasn’t the first time Congress planted a government shutdown bill in front of the public just before the end of the year. As usual the Democrats and Republicans pulled at the heart strings of the American public. It’s Christmas we want to make sure everyone gets paid. Think of the hurricane victims. We need to take care of the farmers. We need to fund the government so critical services stay afloat.

What was exposed via X was a 1547 page bill that was dropped on the members of Congress with little more than 2 days to read it. Parts exposed included a $70,000 dollar raise for Congress. J6 committee immune from prosecution. $850,000 for a gay retirement home. Continued funding of government censorship. A Congressional opt out of Obamacare.

Here is my take. What happened in the hours after the details of the abomination of a bill were dropped, was nothing short of spectacular!! The public pressure campaign that ensued between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm on X brought about the demise of the Johnson, Jeffries, Schumer, McConnell bill. The butt hurt members of Congress blaming Elon Musk was beautiful to see. The meltdown press conferences of confused Democrats was a first. That bill had been in existence since September and the four headed snake decided to drop it on us at the end of the year.

What happened to Congress was a first in my lifetime. The uniparty was exposed to the public for the first time. All the special interest crap loaded in these bills was put in the public view before it could be passed. We the People stood up and let our representatives know we were not happy with them. We took out the bill with the one threat against them that hurts the most. Re-election. Like Santa Claus, we were making a list and checking it twice and as it turns out most were not nice. Congress had no choice, they like their spot, like their power. They have never been held accountable and it was done in real time. The MAGA majority, Catturd army, the Bongino army came raining down all over Congress. This is the new normal for Congress and it has been long over due. Thanks America for the early Christmas gift.