What We Have Here Is Good Versus Evil

You wouldn’t think there would be a good versus evil at this stage humanity on this planet. We are more humanitarian towards our fellow humans. Wars are fought to eliminate evil dictators. Think of the progression of vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs to save lives. We can grow more food. We can do more with less.

Let’s start with our LBGTQ+ folks they want acceptance, they want equal treatment. Their followers want you to believe your kids know at birth they know their gender is not the one they want. They want gender affirming care at any cost to any age now!!! You must accept these principles or you are a transphobe and want these people killed. I personally see a few of these folks out and about and I don’t care what you business is, it’s yours. I don’t see you threatened. It looks to me like you live your life like most of us humans on this planet do.

Climate change, used to be global warming, which used to be a new ice age. Look it up!! We have to halt carbon dioxide emissions or else we have 20 years to live, oh wait, 10 years to live, damn 5 years to live. No snow, wait didn’t it just snow in the Los Angeles mountains? First time since 1988. Gas stoves are now an enemy. We need to ban them to save lives. How long have gas stoves been around and why is it now they kill people.

Do we really need to go into vaccines. The Covid vaccine started off with it is 100 percent effective, then 95 percent effective. Wait it will prevent transmission, hang on you won’t get as sick without the vaccine. Holy crap the United States just 86ed the Covid vaccine as necessary. Where the hell are your vaccine passports and camps. Ask Twitter about suddenly died. Why does a 7 year old have a heart attack and the parents are overjoyed he is eating pizza? Fauci lied. Pfizer lied. They all lied yet they still push this crap!!!

Here is my take. None of this is by accident and happening naturally. This is all straight out evil. Humans don’t treat humans like this. When I was a kid I had a rock collection, did I identify as a rock, no. I also had a sponge collection, did I identify as a sponge, no and nobody asked me to lay in water all of the time. Take your climate change, look at the G7 summit a few years ago. They did the group portrait and someone did the homework and matched it up to a shot from 1922 or something like that, the water level was the same exactly. Why are your celebrities still buying ocean front property? Ask Obama!! These people mean harm to us regular folks. Eat bugs, be happy. Don’t travel more than 15 minutes from where you live. Evil is alive and well and we best treat it as such otherwise it will roll right over us. My Bible went from a drawer to right in front of my face. The sooner evil is recognized by the masses the sooner we can destroy it . It needs to be destroyed!!

Really!! You Guys Are Loosing Your Grip

You have got to be kidding me. This is seriously becoming a joke. We have a classified information leak on a gaming platform. This smells fishy right from the get go. Usually our classified leaks get presented to us via the Fake News from an anonymous source.

So here is the deal a 21 year old National Guardsman from Massachusetts released classified documents on a gaming platform. First how did he get access to said documents as a National Guardsman? Everything I have learned is classified documents can only be viewed in a guarded room with no cameras or phones. You have to sign in and sign out as well. What were classified documents doing in an area a National Guardsman had access to. I find it hard to believe he got in and out with secured documents with no questions asked.

We certainly didn’t see the same amount of hoopla regarding the raid on Mar-a-Lago. The media everywhere, on the ground and in the air. Hell President Trump is allowed to declassify documents and his raid had more press. Joe Biden has more classified documents laying around parts of the country in boxes and he is still walking around. This kid had the FBI come and get him for two pages. You guys are clowning yourselves.

Here is my take. This may seem like nothing but there is a reason for this classified leak. If you look at what is in front of Congress right now, the Restrict Act it makes a lot more sense. The Restrict Act supposedly is to ban TikTok but if you look deeper you will find government bureaucrats will be put in charge of what is considered a threat to national security. In this case you could be considered a threat to national security if you post comments or maybe even a meme against the current narrative from the government. You could be shut down at that point, can anyone say First Amendment violation!!

Let’s dive a bit further. Have you noticed the last 30 years or so that any push from the Federal government to pass any law that many incidents happen in and around said time frame. Obama had the most mass shootings of any President. Remember his fake tear to push the public to give up their guns? Recently we had classified document issues with President Trump and Joe Biden and now with the Guardsman from Massachusetts add in the Restrict Act and you have a home run in my book. What happened on September 10th 2001? What happened September 11th 2001. What happened in the aftermath of September 11th, the Patriot Act. You make your own conclusions.