There Is A Crisis Coming, The Thing Is, It’s Already Here

Ask yourself, since Biden has been in office what has happened to everything? If you are honest, the correct response would be, gone to shit! What has been Built Back Better, nothing!! So much for your campaign slogan! This administration has seen crisis after crisis and all they do is lie, lie and tell more lies.

From the beginning this administration has been looking to punish the American people under the guise of Build Back Better. The first day, the Keystone pipeline was shut down, the result, gas prices went up! Here in Ohio we just hit $4.49 a gallon before the inauguration we were paying $2.06. They blame Putin for gas prices! I was paying $2.06 in January of 2021 Putin went into Ukraine in March of 2022 again how is this Putin’s fault?

Inflation. First there was no inflation, it’s a conspiracy theory! Next well there is inflation but it is transitory, meaning temporary. Tell me what are you seeing out there, prices going down? The bread company I work for, a price increase in July 2021, a price increase in January 2022, guess what we are having a price increase in June 2022. Prices of eggs are up 20%, used cars up 20%, everything is up. How is the administration tackling this you might ask? Let’s spend more money, printing and spending more money is only exacerbating the inflation problem. How does $54 billion to Ukraine going to help the inflation problem, it’s not!! On a side note, 20 food processing plants in the United States have been hit by some sort of fire and or mishap in the last couple of months, hmmmm?

Here is your sign, the Dow has been down 8 weeks in a row. The Wall Street Journal had an article the other day how people are starting to default on their mortgages again. Remember this happened in 2008, our last recession. The banks were handing out mortgages to people who could not afford the loan afforded to them by the bank. It seems history is repeating itself. I will give you a bit of perspective. In March 2021 I looked into buying out my lease on my work truck, it would not have been a good business decision. The point is I did not have many banks wanting to loan the money, a year later, everyone wants to loan me the money! I have not looked into this since March of 2021, it is now May 2022, something is up!

Baby formula crisis. There was a voluntary closure of a baby formula plant do to some sort of possible infected formula. The FDA, a government agency has been dragging their feet to clear this plant to start processing again. This plant makes about 40% of the formula in the United States. The administration knew this in February and did nothing, now there is a shortage in May and now they want to stick their nose in and do something. Yeah we cut the red tape from 2 weeks to three days of imports of formula. Great, however, the first batch of formula you imported is the stuff still on the shelves, not the formula in demand! How out of touch are you elected officials, apparently a lot out of touch.

Here is my take. This administration has no clue as to what is going on or they don’t care. I vote the later!! If you look at what happened in Europe while President Trump was in office, you are seeing the same thing happen here. Unbridled illegal immigration, unprecedented spending in the name of climate change and migration. This is planned, organized and on purpose. I just saw a picture of two illegal immigrants that came across the border that have brand new phones that were given to them. Spare me your tears and woe is me or woe is them. There are immigration laws in this country that you don’t follow. Wait didn’t you take an oath to uphold the Constitution? The law of the land? Bottom line this is treason!

The One Thing You Climate Activists Don’t Understand

So about two weeks ago I read an article about climate change that piqued my interest and raised many questions. I can’t remember the article at this point because I went down a rabbit hole the last two weeks. I can tell you that the activists are so focused on CO2 levels and CO2 levels alone that they can’t see the forest thru the trees. In my estimation critical thinking is out to lunch. They are so hell bent on shoving carbon taxes and fear down your throat.

Remember the Paris Accords that Obama agreed to, that President Trump dumped shortly after taking office? First off any international agreement needs to be ratified by Congress, that didn’t happen. Anyway moving on the current meeting of all the countries in Glasgow, Scotland, COP26. The agreement for the rich countries is to provide an annual 100 million per country to pay for the eventual event of a climate crisis for a poor country. India, China and Russia had an issue with the wording of an agreement on using and or reducing the use of coal. So instead of will and have to, the wording agreed to was may and might, so they are going to use coal at will, agreement be damned. Doesn’t CO2 proliferate and move about the atmosphere? John Kerry, climate czar, why didn’t you jump up on the desk and protest, where is the outrage? Isn’t this all or nothing for the planet? Carbon tax and credits. If you drive a car, carbon tax. If you heat your house with a wood stove carbon tax. If your country has a large forest, you get carbon credits. In the same vein you will be punished if you plant more trees to add to your carbon credit. This was the only mention of trees to help combat CO2.

Here is my take. The one thing you climate activists are missing is the bigger picture. Go ahead show me your graphs from the last 50 years, 100 years or 250 years on CO2 levels. This is a blip compared to the earth’s existence. Growing up all of the periods of the dinosaurs were measured in millions of years not hundreds. Some of the climate activists lament that the Earth is reactionary to what happens to it. Well it is the only thing it can do. I can go out and drive everyday, I don’t know when I am about to get T-boned by another car, I react to the situation. An extinction level event happened to take out the dinosaurs the Earth adapted. We have had ice ages and warm periods the Earth reacted. CO2 is going into the atmosphere daily, by us and the Earth itself. Carbon is the 4th most prevalent element in the universe. Where is the attack on hydrogen, the most prevalent element in the universe? The human body is made up of 18 percent carbon, wouldn’t an attack on carbon also be an attack on the human body? That electric car you want everybody to drive, it doesn’t make any energy, it stores it. How much of your precious electric car’s energy comes from coal converted into electricity. Wouldn’t you have to plan your trip based on the weather so you could charge your car if it was based solely on solar?

The climate crazies claim there is no hope unless we do something now. There are claims that oceans have risen 6 to 8 millimeters already. If the rising oceans are such a problem why would rich elites buy and build mansions on the current beach areas, cough, cough, Obama in Nantucket? If oceans are rising why are we not taking calving glaciers out of the oceans to drop the levels? We have to save the planet, NOW, don’t we? Afterall, all of the ice at the poles is fresh water, transport the icebergs to places that need water and let them melt. Wouldn’t that take care of your drought stricken areas? The melting ice would add water vapor to the air and potentially seed the sky for more rain? When I was a kid in the late 70’s we had a couple of really cold snowy winters, the climate crazies were calling for the next ice age, did that happen, no. What were the creator of the internet’s claim about the future, Al Gore? San Francisco and Florida underwater, wait did I miss something? Oh there was creative license to scare people into reacting, got it, it will take centuries for this to happen according to experts. That pesky thing, time again! Mt Kilimanjaro will have no snow on the peak of the mountain. Experts say the ice is melting but it would take 30 to 40 years for this to happen. Al’s award winning movie came out in 2006, I believe most of this was supposed to happen in 10 years or less. This was all started as global warming and now has morphed into climate change. Wait, things always change. Oceans rise and fall, mountains rise and fall, land masses rise and fall. The Earth tends to take care of itself and adjusts to it’s internal forces, us being one of them. I am all for living in balance with the environment. To preach from your high pulpit about the virtues of rewinding the technology to the horse and buggy for us plebes of the world while you still use your private jet and have servants will not work. What we need is sound information, truthful information not bought public servants and bought studies. The bigger picture is out there and you climate crazies don’t see it.