We Want The Truth Where Do We Find It

A couple of posts ago I asked how big is the Russia, Ukraine my assessment was a bit off. Kind of begs the question, why was my assessment off? Two words, the media. How is it possible that videos and pictures put out by the media are debunked as fake or repurposed? The lady with the bloody face and bandage around her head, current Ukraine war victim, explosion victim from Germany in 2015. A war torn video of some Ukrainian city put side by side of a war torn Lebanese city, matches frame for frame.

Remember the Hunter Biden laptop? I do, President Trump called it the laptop from hell. The media called it Russian disinformation. Fifty former and current intelligence agency personnel all signed off on a document stating it was Russian disinformation. All of this right before the election. Here we are almost a year and a half later and the NY Post comes out and says the laptop is real. Deep in the article was the actual statement by the 50 intelligence folks, I believe it said they thought is was Russian disinformation. They didn’t call it actual disinformation, a few words make the difference.

The so called vaccine, we really shouldn’t need to go into this but here we are. There are still Pfizer commercials promoting the vaccine on T.V. How many people know there are just about 1300 potential side affects from the so called vaccine? Pfizer wanted to hold all of their information from their trials for 75 years before releasing them. World class athletes are dropping dead every day, a seven year old had a heart attack. The MSM did not cover any of these topics.

Here is my take. The truth is out there!! Right now you have to dig to find it, you can’t spend 2 or 3 minutes on a topic you want to investigate. The layers you may have to go thru will take some time. Look at and read 5, 6 or 7 articles and do some cross referencing. If someone gives you their opinion research it! The government by the Constitution is supposed to keep and record EVERYTHING. Govtrack.us go there and you can see any pending bill that is coming down the pike. Freedom of Information Act gives you the ability to access mounds of government activity. This one takes some time and persistence, the government does not really want to give up information. Facebook and Twitter are censoring people left and right. They use algorithms to suppress stories so the public at large can not access the truth easily. The MSM literally has no credibility at this point. They went from the government watchdog to government lapdog. Turn the news off if you want the truth. I haven’t watched the news since the late 1990’s.

Is The President Really In Charge Of The Military?

As things are unfolding in Ukraine there is one thing that is beginning to stand out to my untrained eye. Is Joe Biden in charge of the military as Commander In Chief? With as serious as the media and Congress are talking about the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, you would think the U.S. military would have a presence. Come on we have been the world police for well over 30 years now.

The War Powers Act, passed in 1973 is a federal law intended to check the Presidents power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the Congress. Come to find out the Korea War, never declared, it was a joint resolution between the President and Congress called a “police action”. The Vietnam War was never declared as well. Military action happened as a result of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The last time war was declared was June 5, 1942, when the U.S. declared war on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania. Since then, the US has used the term “authorization to use military force,” as in the case against Iraq in 2003. (AUMF)

Some other strange cases, Ukraine has asked for air support. The U.S. has offered aid but no military personal. Poland has MIG fighters they said Ukraine could have but would not fly them personally to Ukraine. They flew them to Rammstein Air Force Base in Germany for the United States to fly to Ukraine, weird. As part of NATO an attack on one nation is an attack against all, so who really cares who flies the planes into Ukraine under that directive. The Biden administration has been almost begging any ally to bring force to Ukraine in the name of democracy. None of the NATO allies has been willing to go in to defend.

Here is my take. As soon as Biden took office there was scuttlebutt that he did not get the nuclear football. As warmongering as the United States has been thru its existence, the fact that Biden and Congress has been all about sanctions and no action, surprises me. Come on there is 2016 video of Lindsay Graham and John McCain in Ukraine telling the Ukrainian military they will receive all the support from the United States and they will win. The Democrats have the majority and plenty of RINO support, wouldn’t you be saving democracy, send the troops in. Bring the full might of the United States military against a so called unprepared Russian army. The Ukrainian resistance is supposedly holding it’s own against the Russians. Wouldn’t this end this conflict quickly? What are you afraid of? You folks in Congress and previous Presidents have had no issues sending Americans to die overseas for years. Putin is rattling his saber and you are telling me the best we can do is sanction Russia and sanction them a little more? So Biden are you really in charge of the military?