Well, Well Guns Just Reared Their Ugly Head Again!

We just had three mass shootings in the last eleven days. One in Atlanta another in Boulder and a third in Virginia Beach. Cue the normal media reactions, white supremacy, gun control and racism. The media is hell bent on forcing the agenda and has been doing so for years. The Vice President even chimed in on calling white supremacy and racism even while the investigations were still ongoing.

First, let’s define mass shooting. A mass shooting is an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence. The FBI’s definition calls a mass shooting one that involves 3 or more victims. Low and behold there were 614 mass shootings in 2020 according to the definition. So far in 2021 there have been 103 mass shootings as compared to 66 to the same date in 2020.

Americans own 40% of all guns in the world, that is a huge number! It is estimated that there are 393 million guns in the United States. The population of the United States stands about 331 million. In 2015 it was four guns for every person that bought a gun, that number has gone up to 5 guns for every person that bought a gun. According to the FBI, knives kill more people in the United States than guns do.

Here is my take. A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. How dare I bring up the second Amendment, people are being slaughtered in the streets. The guns need to go away for the safety of the public! Humans have been killing humans for thousands of years, you pick the weapon, it has been used to slaughter other humans. It usually just comes down to I have something that someone else wants that is willing to use violence to get it. Guns leveled the playing field, you did not have to be bigger or stronger to take out your enemy. Sure take away the guns, then it will be knives that be the scourge of public safety, what next? All governments want control, what is the saying, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Take away the guns, we become sitting ducks to the criminals and the government. A question, any idea why since the war of 1812 there have been no battles with foreign countries on our soil? We have guns and lots of them. One of the most telling and intelligent moves the Japanese made during WWII was not to invade mainland USA, because they didn’t know where the guns were located.

With all of the mass shootings in this country you would think it would be all over the news. The MSM jumped on three out of 103. Two of them don’t fit the narrative now that the facts have come out. The “white” guy in Boulder turned out to be middle eastern and a Trump hater. The three in Virginia Beach were all African American. That leaves us with the Atlanta guy who was a sex addict. The FBI said there was no racial motivation for the killings. Guess what, the media and the White House went right for the white supremacy angle even before the facts came out! Guns aren’t the problem, people are the problem. Look up what has happened to any country that gave up their guns. Russia, 1917. Germany 1932. Right now our government smells blood in the water and the only thing keeping them up late at night is the 393 million guns in this country.

Sars-Covid2 versus the vaccine

Ok, I have and still have my WTF about Sars-Covid2. Yes it is real and yes I had it once and maybe twice. Like I have said from the beginning, we know who it affects and who needs to be protected. The response to the seventh coronavirus has been utterly disgusting. Yes there are six other coronaviruses, Spanish Flu, Swine Flu to just the regular flu. They all have similar characteristics hence coronaviruses.

The push is on to vaccine everyone so we can open up safely and get back to normal. Did you know that the Sars-Covid2 vaccine will not stop you from contracting Sars-Covid2 in the future. Sounds like the flu shot to me? Before every flu season the “expert’s” get together and make a guess at to what strain of the flu will rear it’s ugly head. The flu shot, flu cocktail is mixed up and distributed to the public as the flu shot. I have never had a flu shot. I had the flu when I was seven and never got it again until Sars-Covid2, 47 years later.

Dr. Peter Chin Hong from UCSF reported that of 1.8 million vaccines given only 4300 people reported adverse affects. Discomfort all the way to death. As a couple of days ago I saw that a little over 1100 people died from the vaccine. According to the doctor getting the vaccine far out weighs the side affects. So if you take the two numbers and get the percentage of folks with no adverse affects, it equals 99.976%. Sounds great, doesn’t it!! If you get the full blown corona virus aka Sars-Covid 2 you have a 99.82% chance of survival.

Here is my take. As I said in the beginning, I had coronavirus, 24 hours of flu symptoms and that stupid cough for two weeks, December 2019. The second time in February 2020 I had a less than stupid cough for two weeks. My immune system learned and adapted! From the time I became an adult I have primed my immune system to fight germs and viruses. It is not very hard, go outside, live life and enjoy. If I get sick I let my immune system do it’s job. You will encounter germs and viruses, they are a part of living on this planet. They adapt as a living organism, guess what, so do we. Protect those who are vulnerable, we know it’s the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions yet here we are over a year later doing the same stupid lockdown games as if everyone is in the same boat! Politics as usual! Let’s get back to living. Why do you think we are social animals?

H.R. 1 For The People, Mostly For Democrats

H.R. 1 takes the election process and puts the Federal Government in charge. What could go wrong. The government couldn’t legislate it’s way out of a wet paper bag! Take all of the issues with the 2020 election roll them up in a ball, throw them into a bill and what do you get. H.R. 1 for the people!

Where the hell do you start. The bill limits how any plaintiffs can challenge the constitutionality of H.R. 1. That smells a bit fishy, how is that for the people? Mandates automatic voter registration. Eighteen states currently have AVR, whether you go to the DMV, a social service or go to college. This happens automatically, you have to opt out to not be registered to vote. This will come into play as I dive further. How do you feel about no fault absentee ballots? No signatures or notaries involved and absentee ballots accepted 10 days after election day. Prevents election officials from cleaning up voter rolls or verifying if a person is eligible to vote. They are also prevented from verifying addresses no matter how much time has lapsed. H.R. 1 bans all state ID voter laws. It allows illegal immigrants to vote and immune from prosecution if they take the automatic register to vote option. Gives 16 year old’s the right to vote!! Felons could now vote unless they are still serving time on election day. This bill would legalize mail in voting without an ID. Ever heard of ballot harvesting? This bill would allow any one person to bring in as many ballots they can under any means without any questions asked. There is so much more crap in this bill, I just highlighted some of the main horrific ideas.

Here is my take. This bill is rotten to the core! It is an absolute power grab, not for just the next election but forever! We have seen during the 2020 election how Democrats used Sars-Covid 2 to cover for their election fraud. That plan worked out so well why not make it into law. There would be no rules for any illegal activity whatsoever, Democrat winners all day everyday. Under these rules why bother to campaign, bring on the popularity contests of high school. Ask Hilary or Joe about not campaigning in certain areas of the country, oh and add in the use of campaign funds for personal use. Laws would be bought for by those who have the money. Citizens who like to make their vote count essentially wouldn’t count. Let me nab as many absentee ballots as possible, vote for my guy or gal and dump them off at a ballot box, wherever, whenever! Election integrity would be gone, it is already in question after 2020. This bill throws it on the trash heap, with the Constitution in tow not far behind. No wonder there is a fence around the Capitol building and Congress wants permanent National Guard presence in Washington D.C.