Did We Just See The Commander In Chief?

Let me go back to March 13th 2022. I wrote a post is Biden in charge of the military? He could have sent the military into Russia for 60 days without any Congressional declaration of war. He didn’t, even with all the bluster, nothing happened. On the third anniversary of the withdrawal debacle in Afghanistan President Trump was laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery.

Biden could have gone, as his title suggests he can go wherever he wants. He was invited. Kamala could have gone, she was invited. She is the Democrat nominee, would have been a great photo op. She is also Vice President. President Trump was invited by the 13 families that lost their lives at the Afghanistan airport. President Trump accepted, Biden was on the beach and Kamala seemed disinterested.

So there is some pomp and circumstance when a President lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. In my life it has always been the President that lays the wreath at the tomb. If it isn’t the President then some surrogate designated by the President.

It is not the first time we have seen President Trump do things and present things that a former President doesn’t do or posse. The Presidential seal, he was seen at a press conference and held up a folder with the Presidential seal. On July 24, 2024 President Trump played a round of golf with professional Bryson DeChambeau that featured a golf cart with the Presidential seal. September 30th 2024, President Trump makes visits to devastated areas in Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee. In his hand was a binder with the Presidential seal.

Here is my take. We may actually be looking at the Commander in Chief. In 2015 Congress actually split up the duties of President and Commander in Chief. There are actual laws on the books that specifically state that a former President can’t use the official Presidential seal after leaving office. He could face jail time. So tell me why the MSM, who has been salivating over President Trump since he came down the escalator in 2015. They have jumped at every opportunity to impeach, jail, bankrupt and defame him for 8 years now. So you are going to tell me that they and or their cronies haven’t recognized this, for this long? It is so obvious in their face. Are they that stupid or is something else going on? Biden has continued to re-sign President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 three times since he supposedly took office. Biden trashed almost all of President Trump’s executive orders on day one.

Why Is This Campaign So Full Of Nothing

Ever since Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race, something has not be right. We all knew it was coming but what has followed has been a total head scratcher to me.

Biden got 14 million primary votes, Kamala, none. The Democrat party then decides to have a virtual primary with the delegates that voted for Biden to endorse Kamala Harris, done deal. So you are telling me the public didn’t get to have a input? Looks fishy but if you are a lefty all is well, your voice doesn’t really matter, I suppose. Call me weird.

OK, let’s do a dive into Kamala Harris. Got her start in politics by sleeping with Willie Brown who eventually became San Francisco mayor. As California Attorney General, she used the prison population as free labor for the state of California. Called herself the first Indian American Senator from California. Dropped out after the first primary in the 2020 Presidential election. Called Biden a racist but was willing to overlook said remark to be Vice President. Put in charge of the southern border by Biden, calling her the border Czar. Her polling numbers were worse than Biden’s as Vice President.

There is a vetting process that involves who is picked as a potential running mate. You are basically investigated on your background and anything you may have done in your past that could not look good to the said party doing the investigation. Tim Walz as a Vice President pick, who, what, when, where and why. This has to be the worst choice in the history of Vice President picks, ever!!!

Tim Walz has a DUI on his record, not a deal breaker, but he tried to say he was deaf to get out of it. He ingested horse semen, yes, this is real. The news article doesn’t say how but it is real. He did serve in the military, however he quit when his battalion was to be shipped to Iraq. He falsified his release documents from the military, embellishing his rank. As Governor of Minnesota he signed a law that supplied tampons in men’s bathrooms. He let Minneapolis burn during the George Floyd riots, saying these people need to let off steam. President Trump offered national guard, he said no. Walz eventually acquiesced.

Here is my take. This campaign is a smoke screen. You don’t pick the worst Vice President in the history of the country and the absolutely worst vetted pick to be your Vice President and think you are going to win. The media has been trying to polish a Kamala turd for three weeks but you can’t undo the last six years of plain stupidity from her and her handlers. Tim Walz almost immediately being nominated went into the wood chipper and did not come out the other side intact. What were these people thinking?

As I see it the Harris/ Walz ticket won’t make it out of the DNC convention. Kamala, behind the scenes has been offered a Supreme Court nomination. They can’t replace her with a white man, racist, to the base. They can’t replace her with someone other than a woman with more popularity than Kamala, herself. Who is left on the table. Hillary or Michelle. You need votes, Kamala is not going to deliver them.

How Would My Lobbyist Want Me To Respond

In a wholly what the fuck moment for me, Representative Thomas Massie came out and said every member of Congress has a representative from the AIPAC that they answer to, on a podcast with Tucker Carlson. Let me clarify, he doesn’t have one. Before I give you an answer on a vote, let me ask my AIPAC guy. Apparently these political action committee people have your phone number and possibly your address. I would not be surprised if the address was the case.

AIPAC, America Israeli political action committee is funded to promote relations between Israel and the United States. In a surprising result I could not find how many PAC were currently active as of 2024. In 2014 there were 3664. In 1976 there were only 1146 PAC. So you could only surmise there are probably double that amount. You have to be sure that all your big name Congressmen and Senators have their own PAC. How else could you influence the next generation to vote your way without monetary influence. Talking to you Kevin McCarthy.

Here is an example of a PAC in action. Madison Cawthorn former Representative from North Carolina, Republican. He spends most of his time in a wheelchair. When he got elected in 2020, he literally walked 100 yards to prove he was willing to do the job and he got elected. Fast forward to 2022 Madison came out and said that Washington D.C. was a cesspool of nasty behavior and he had been invited to many of these parties which he declined. Then Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy told the press that these false allegations he would handle personally. How did Kevin handle it, he used his PAC to “primary” Madison Cawthorn to remove a person of his own party from Congress. He spent money and resources from his PAC to smear Madison and Madison lost his primary to the candidate of Kevin’s choosing. New candidate now owes Kevin and I am sure Kevin let this person know how to vote.

Here is my take. God only knows how long Congress and our government has represented us, the people. It is plainly clear as of this point in time, of the people by the people has been flushed down the toilet. If this AIPAC has access to every Congressman and Senator, then you have to bet every dollar in your bank account that every other PAC has the same access. Hey we donated $8,000 dollars to your re-election campaign, vote yes on calling eggs dangerous to your health. Think I am crazy, this exact thing happened in the late 1980’s. Guess what came out right after eggs being called the scourge of the earth? Egg beaters.

I have said it before. Lobbyists and the Political Action Committees they work for need to be outlawed in this country. They throw money and influence at Congress as a whole, where it is supposed to lie with We the People. Yes, they will argue, that We the People are funding the PAC and they have our best interests at heart. Nice sentiment, bottom line, PAC you are buying your influence. How many of you PAC are showing the public at large where you money is going, could we look it up, possibly, not likely. Can you look up who is funding these PAC, you can but, you may not get what to the bottom line. Example. Florida Patriots PAC is funding a campaign against Matt Gaetz for the upcoming election. You go to the website and it is the anti Gaetz stuff. You can’t get any specific information. Dive a bit deeper, Federal Election Committee, it is run by a third party company in Massachusetts with some dude listed as basically CFO. You look up third party company, you find fake CFO running Florida Patriots PAC in the name of someone. Third party company’s job is running shit like this. You have no idea of who, what, when and why any of this bullshit is happening and where the money came from. Our elections seem more and more not about We the People but those with the influence.

You Have To Be Some Kind Of Stupid

Alright we have all been witness to the sham trial of President Trump in New York. A charge of cooking the books before this trial was a misdemeanor is now a felony. The statute of limitations had already run out but the prosecution resurrected the case. Bragg wanted nothing to do with the case in the beginning, once DOJ lawyers became involved, only then did it go forward. Mind you, these lawyers stepped down from their Federal government jobs to do this.

Your credible witness number one, Stormy Daniels, already stated in a letter dated 2018 that she never had an affair with President Trump. She already tried to sue for damages and lost. Stormy had to pay six figure legal fees to President Trump. Stormy also flip flopped on testimony regarding her supposed fling with President Trump. First it was nothing happened then she was drugged and felt overpowered and woke up the next day not remembering anything.

Credible witness number two, Michael Cohen, cough, cough. Already spent time in prison for lying to Congress and apparently a serial liar. Come to find out, he stole money from the Trump organization to pay Stormy Daniels. The felonies in this case is Cohen labeled it legal fees.

The Judge, Merchan, has been clearly identified as being a Trump hater. His daughter has been receiving hundreds of thousands of donations to her company from many members of Congress. She works for Authentic Campaigns , a progressive consulting firm, who’s top client is Adam Schiff. Back to the judge, he placed a gag order on President Trump from speaking about the case. We could have jury tampering as well. Judge Merchan would not allow the jury to have written instructions pertaining to the case, only verbal. It is common for a jury to have written instructions from a judge pertaining to the case, regarding the verdict. Judge Merchan did not require the jury to come to a unanimous decision. They could indict President Trump without, by law, a unanimous decision.

Here is my take. The kangaroo court obviously indicted President Trump on all 34 counts. You could see it coming a mile away. The left is not out for a prison sentence, all the legal experts say this case will be overturned in a higher court. They want to damage President Trump in the eyes of the public, prison would be a bonus. Here is why they are so stupid. They have been trying to smear President Trump since 2015 and it has back fired each and every time. You would think after 9 years of this B.S. they would move on but they can’t, apparently there isn’t anyone on the Democrat side that has any new ideas. The smear campaigns that have worked for 50 years, don’t anymore and they can’t handle it. The TDS is running rampant and all they can do is lie and continue to lie. Remember how much President Trump raised after the famous “mug shot”! To boot his poll numbers went up. What happened in this case, President Trump raised $300 million in a couple of days and his poll numbers went up again. Congratulations stupid lefties, your sad old worn out playbook makes President Trump stronger. Please continue to do the same thing, morons!!!!

So You Think You Have It All Lined Up

There is no easy way to say it. We have been asleep at the wheel for a long time. Some of us are awake and some are not. There will be some who will never be awake. No I am not crazy, just using my brain. If you look out at the world, what do you see? War. Attacks on the Constitution. Massive illegal immigration. Attacks on childhood. There seems to be an all out war on America and American values.

The United States of America, founded on the principles of God and the Bible, written into the Constitution seems to have lost it’s direction, it’s purpose and foundation. Rights granted to us by God and then the Constitution have been polluted, denigrated and ground down to dust by the very institutions the Constitution gave birth to. Here in 2024 the very existence of the Constitution could very well send some people into a tizzy of unknown proportions.

In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev said in a speech we will take America without firing a shot. The pledge of allegiance is not recited in school. In 1996 Hillary Clinton declared it takes a village to raise a child. In 2001 we had the no kid left behind act. Now we have what started as gay acceptance has morphed into trans acceptance and how dare you say anything about it transphobe!!!!!

Here is my take. Everything American has been infiltrated as a means to an end for everyone but Americans. We have been doing the hard work from the founding of this nation. Nefarious actors always looking to exploit anyone for their own gain have been doing it for years in this country. We have been dumbed down so much since the 50’s most 20 year old’s can’t tell you all 50 states. Ask what countries border our north and south, you will get two states in our own country. How many billions of dollars have been spent to not leave any kid behind, yet they all seem to have been left behind. Everyone gets a participation trophy. Ask someone under 30 what is the First Amendment? What is the Second Amendment? We are told what to believe, think and how to act. How is that free? In 2020 we heard in the name of public safety shoved down our throats. Nobody in government has been preaching critical thinking. As President Reagan said, “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” The 9 most terrifying words in the English language.

As a send off to here is my take. The system has dumbed down everyone so much even the one’s currently in charge of bringing down the United States have no imagination. Everything they did 40 years ago to take down their opponents isn’t working. Thirty, 20, or 10 years ago, you could sling some bullshit story to the media and let’s say Herman Cain would go away. How do you neuter a Presidential candidate ask Mitt Romney. Once President Trump presents anything against him, if you are looking, you see how dumb these people are, very fucking dumb!!

If You Don’t Know Your History You Will Repeat It’s Outcome

So we have had all these protests on college’s recently. Free Palestine has been the call. They have taken over buildings, kidnapped people. Taken down American flags and replaced them with Palestinian flags and more. Come to find out most of these people aren’t even college students and are funded by outside organizations. Guess who funds some of these organizations, everyone’s friend, George Soros.

Let’s do a little history lesson. Jumping back to the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, although they took power with the help of the workers and peasants, conditions as promised by the communists never materialized. Lenin had to introduce the Red Terror, it sought to eliminate political dissent, opposition, and any other threat to Bolshevik power. The Bolshevik’s created the Constituent Assembly and held elections. They lost power in the elections and dissolved the assembly immediately. I think this quote sums it up. “To overcome our enemies we must have our own socialist militarism. We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.” Grigory Zinoviev, 1918

Moving along to Nazi Germany. Hitler, rising to power in the Nazi party, created the Brown Shirts. The Brown Shirts, a paramilitary group that would protect Nazi rallies and disrupt rallies of other political parties. They often would disrupt other gatherings and movie theaters, if it went against Nazi ideology. They would often vandalize Jewish shops and perform acts of violence against Jewish people. By the time the Nazi’s took power in 1933 the Brown Shirts numbered close to 3 million. The Nazi’s seeing the Brown Shirts as a threat arrested an eventually killed it’s leader and killed as many as 200 other Brown Shirt leaders.

Here is my take. For those of you who want revolution, your reward just may wind up being death. You take money and orders from nefarious forces, let’s say your new overlords get what they want, ultimate power! Then what? You think you have it made, your reward maybe more money or power of your own!!! Once everyone that stood up to the tyrants falls, what is left? Consolidation of power. Your new overlord can’t have any loose ends to deal with, you took money, you may have done unspeakable things. The general public can’t know your overlord was involved in such matters. You now become a liability and your fate is sealed. Welcome to the trash heap of history. In your want or need to be part of something bigger than yourself, you forgot history itself. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Do You Really Believe This Bullshit

So a container ship runs into a pylon and takes down a bridge. I have been on this planet for 56 years and this, to my knowledge, has never happened in the United States. Well now it has, what is the bullshit and what may have actually happened?

The Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore crosses the Patapsco River into the Port of Baltimore. Interstate 695 circles Baltimore. Until the bridge collapsed anything flammable or explosive had to take I 695 because the shortest route, I 95, runs thru the harbor tunnel. Apparently you can get a special license to travel I 95 north thru the tunnel but there could be limitations on time of day or how many at one time sort of deals.

Let’s talk about the container ship, the Dali. Before striking the bridge it was having power issues and you can see in the video lights blinking on and off and it suddenly veer into the path of the pylon. I watched the tracker video, the Dali comes out of port turns to the right then swings around and does a 180 degree turn in the channel to head to the bridge. Speeds start at around 3 knots and get up to 8.71 knots and slowing to 7.76 before hitting the bridge.

Here is my take. This smells like a field full of cow patties. I came across a video on X and MeWe that clearly shows two and possibly three explosions at the top of the bridge structure just as the Dali hits the pylon. I have read articles that say, a container ship can take out a bridge and no they can’t. You can also pay someone to say whatever you want them to, to get your point across. Remember Pfizer was buying up all the commercial time for the “vaccine”. Why did they wait until a minute and a half out from hitting the bridge before signaling mayday? Could someone have been just turning the lights on and off to feign a power outage? Why was there a huge billow of smoke coming from the smoke stack just before the Dali hit the bridge? The ship didn’t veer to the right and in the path of the pylon until that billow of smoke happened!! Were you not on course to hit the pylon as instructed? If the Dali had a complete power failure the 1.5 minutes before hitting the bridge, why didn’t it continue to list to the left and why did it turn to the right? The captain said he dropped both anchors. Now the anchors would not have stopped the ship immediately but wouldn’t the direction of the ship remained constant in the direction it was heading? Why not drop one anchor? The captain said the propulsion system was turned port/left, dropping one anchor would have helped turn the Dali to port. Did the ship have redundant power systems in place in case of an emergency?

As I just learned, the last major accident like this happened in the 80’s in the Tampa region. The new bridge built there has “dolphins” installed to prevent the same thing from happening. A dolphin is a group of pilings arrayed together to serve variously as a protective hardpoint along a dock, in a waterway, or along a shore; as a means or point of stabilization of a dock or bridge. Why weren’t these installed at or around this bridge given its location and strategic importance to the east coast of the U.S. The four bridges in the Philadelphia area are protected. The Delaware Memorial Bridge between New Jersey and Delaware planned for twenty years for it’s protection, again why didn’t anyone from the government see this as a red flag safety issue. Were local, state and federal officials bought off or silenced in an effort to keep this from happening? In the end my take is, this was set up!!

Show Me The Money Or Your Degree

So we have all been seeing the lawfare by the Left against President Trump play out since February. Classified documents. E. Jean Carroll. New York fraud. Georgia. As it plays out you sometimes can’t fathom the stupidity that vomited out of these cases.

We have this thing, you may have heard of it, the Constitution. The law of the land. Ratified by the colonies in 1788. The framework on how the government operates. What it can and can’t do. Who has what power. Checks and balances. It seems to have worked for 228 years out of a possible 246 years. Apparently President Trump skewed the whole space time continuum in 2016.

So let’s talk about these lawyers and lawyers who become judges. You want to be a lawyer be prepared to spend 3 to 7 years of your life to get to the finish line. You will need to spend upwards of $193,000 to get that piece of paper. To become a judge it could take decades before you are appointed or elected. Miriam Webster: Judge, to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises.

The Constitution, being the law of the land and the Supreme Court the interpreters of the Constitution, here is basically the mission statement. EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW”-These words, written above the main entrance to the Supreme Court Building, express the ultimate responsibility of the Supreme Court of the United States. The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

Here is my take. I am no lawyer. It seems pretty basic. You have a law and a possible punishment. Jaywalking, $50 fine. How could you interpret it any other way? The second Amendment, shall not infringe. Again, how could you interpret it any other way? The Left does all the time. “It means hunting.” ” They are referring to muskets.” They try to “work around” everything. In the 2A case they went after the credit card companies to make a “list” of who bought guns. The Supreme Court has ruled against them and yet here we are some guns are banned in some states. They do this to get as many guns away from as many people until the case goes to the Supreme Court again and again.

Where did some of these people go to law school? Did they get their degree from a box of cereal? Is there some sort of cognitive dissonance? Are you drunk with power? Who do you owe money to? Does someone have video of you doing something you shouldn’t have done? Tell me where is the equal justice when the idiot in New York, Engoron, won’t allow a jury or some evidence be submitted? Where is the rule of law? Thrown out the window. We might as well call the Constitution null and void since the Left can make up any laws or interpretations they need. Your vote matters in November. Viva la Constitution!!

The Lie Never Gets You, The Cover Up Does!!

Well right now I will have to give a shout out to the X-22 report. This is an ohmage to the work he has done. Secondary shout out to Dan Bongino for his reporting on this subject. In Dan’s books, Follow The Money and Spygate The Attempted Sabotage Of Donald J Trump, Dan lays out the ground work how the system works and how they tried to take out 45.

Old knowledge, the day Donald Trump rode down the escalator and announced he was running on the Republican ticket, the left freaked out. More or less it was the establishment. Washington D.C. the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, the lobbyist’s, the donors. “He won’t make it out of the primaries”. ” He is not serious”. We should all know by now his campaign was spied on, fact. Steele Dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton. Fake pee, pee tape, again facts. Not innuendos, Congress proved it.

In 2020 Dan Bongino released Follow The Money, where he laid out how Obama authorized spying on the Trump campaign. How the CIA used their London office to facilitate the “program” Oops, wasn’t Christopher Steele a former MI6 agent?? Who was head of the CIA office in London at the time Gina Haspel. When did she serve as CIA chief? May 21, 2018–January 19, 2021. Under President Trump. Why did she block FIOA requests regarding Russia Gate? Why did watermelon head, Schiff, come out with a disparaging media rant the day the Nunes memos came out in 2017?

Here is my take. Dan Bongino hasn’t come out with anything new at this point, he has a source close to what happened. This source or another source just came out and reaffirmed what Dan was telling us in 2020. With all the cloud and shadow surrounding the 2020 election from the Left. “Count all votes”!!! ” The most secure election ever”!!!! We know it was stolen, period end point!!! We are talking about 65% of the people in the United States believe 2020 was stolen. How hard did they try to cover it up? Very hard. How much pressure can the average person take before they break? How much evidence adds up before a willing accomplice comes forward? How many people have to suddenly die to protect the guilty? The bottom line is, are you willing to do your due diligence and look at all of the evidence adding up, regardless of what the media says? Are you willing to throw your preconceptions out the door of a man, who is not perfect, to find the truth? Your truth is out there, you need to find it on your own, not at the behest of someone else.

There Is No Way This Could Be Abused

The Smith Mundt Act first passed in 1948. A quick internet search and you will find: The Act was developed to regulate broadcasting of programs for foreign audiences produced under the guidance by the State Department, and it prohibited domestic dissemination of materials produced by such programs as one of its provisions. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, which was introduced in 2010 and made part of a larger piece of legislation in 2012 will let people across America see and hear the valuable news reported by the Agency’s accomplished journalists.  It takes into account modern content platforms that are not restricted by national boundaries, such as the Internet, mobile delivery and satellite broadcasting.

Leading up to its passing. Congress harbored significant reservations about empowering the State Department to propagate informational and ideological materials to the American public. in February 1946, committee Chairman Eugene Cox (D-GA) informed Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs William B. Benton  that ten of the twelve committee members were against anything the State Department favored because of its “Communist infiltration and pro-Russian policy”. Other comments were similarly tough. The ranking minority member of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, Rep. John Taber (R-NY), called for a “house-cleaning” of “some folks” in the State Department to “keep only those people whose first loyalty is to the United States”. Congress, in recommending passage of the bill, declared that “truth can be a powerful weapon”. Congress further declared six principles were required for the legislation to be successful in action: tell the truth; explain the motives of the United States; bolster morale and extend hope; give a true and convincing picture of American life, methods, and ideals; combat misrepresentation and distortion; and aggressively interpret and support American foreign policy. As a Cold War measure, it was intended to compete with propaganda from the Soviet Union  and communist organizations primarily in Europe. The principal purpose of the legislation was to engage in a global struggle for minds and wills, a phrase used by Presidents Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

That being said propaganda has been used for ages. The Trojan Horse is the first thing that comes to my mind. The Greeks lay siege to Troy for 10 years with no avail. They built a wooden horse as a trophy for the Trojans as a departing gift. The Greeks hid inside the horse and opened the gates to Troy after the horse was pulled inside the city. The Greeks decimated the city.

Propaganda during World War II. Used for the war effort to keep morale high, promote war bonds and let people know how they could contribute. The State Department collaborated with Hollywood to make films that fit what they wanted to public to see. Leaflets and radio overseas were used to let the Axis powers know how to surrender where bombs were to be dropped. Leaflets also dropped had counterfeit ration books, stamps and money. Don’t think for a second the U.S. government is the only government to use propaganda, they all do. It depends on the agenda needing to be achieved.

So our updated Smith Mundt act in 2012 signed into law by Obama, the modernization of Smith-Mundt will facilitate global connectivity and audience engagement and will provide greater transparency into publicly-funded broadcasting. Our journalists must abide by legally mandated broadcasting standards and principles to present accurate and objective news and information.  The U.S. Agency for Global Media responsible for the updated act states:  USAGM networks are legally mandated to present accurate and objective news and information. All of the networks are considered vital, objective news sources and are frequently cited by major media, including The New York Times, The Wall Street JournalThe Washington PostThe Miami Herald, and CNN, for their high-quality reporting.  

Here is my take. The fact the State Department has it’s dirty hands in this is my first flag. Although they can’t by law put out American propaganda in the United States, who is to say the propaganda laid out overseas isn’t picked up by the said media outlets listed in the previous paragraph and disseminated inside the United States. Can you say work around. Obviously all of these bureaucratic agencies have learned lessons over the years that benefit them. What to put out, how to frame it. Look no further than the Steele dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton to try and take down President Trump. Completely fake, made up and shoved down our throats by the media that is supposed to be unbiased, fair and don’t forget legally mandated to present accurate and objective news. Tucker Carlson going to Russia again proved our media is being manipulated. I am not even talking about the Putin interview. His trip to a Russian supermarket again showed the media lied. We were told by the media the sanctions against Russia were working, the shelves were empty and the Russian people were ready to take Putin out. Ukraine winning the war is our only objective. Sound a little familiar? Remember we were told, by the media, there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. How many were found? Remember we were told, by the media, who perpetrated 9/11. Osama Bin Laden the mastermind and like 8 dudes with box cutters. The media lies, period!! You must find your own truth in every story. How do you do that, research outside the bounds of the regular media.